Example sentences of "deeply into [art] " in BNC.

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1 The feet are massaged and the side and end of the thumb are used to press quite deeply into a particular reflex area .
2 The civil libertarians argue that testing permits the employer to delve deeply into an employee 's personal life ; a specimen can be analysed , without the subject 's knowledge , to reveal confidential medical conditions , such as epilepsy or pregnancy .
3 But as long as the A level system remains , pupils at school will be required severely to limit their choice of subjects , it being assumed that the only way to ensure ‘ standards of excellence , is to go more and more deeply into an ever narrower range of subjects .
4 Chlorinated organic solvents pose a particular threat to groundwater quality because they can penetrate quickly and deeply into an aquifer as a dense plume if spilled in significant quantities , and they then dissolve slowly into the groundwater .
5 We need have no reservation that such memories , not least the sounds , entered deeply into the young boy 's consciousness , as his mother gave vent to her distress in English and her native Yiddish , as well as symbolically rending her clothes and chanting the dirges .
6 Beware of marker pens , as their ink tends to seep deeply into the wood .
7 My roots and my family 's have gone deeply into the fields and woods which the General must have owned in the 18th Century . ’
8 At the time , the idea of a strong exclusive relationship was something that I did not actually want and I do n't think that even consciously at that time , I would have sought to have had that kind of relationship with David who was considerably younger than me and also , even though I was deeply into the whole scene and everything it represented , I do n't think I actually wanted to settle down with somebody who was a musician and was leading that sort of life style .
9 It is not the purpose of this section to delve deeply into the history of the Highlander Research and Education Center .
10 Anne could see that she was biting deeply into the pillow .
11 New work has looked more deeply into the toxins ' structure to find out how they do their job so specifically .
12 The rest of the wall was stained with damp and flaking brown paint ; the winters had cut deeply into the fabric of the old serail .
13 But they do not take us sufficiently deeply into the complexity of the concept .
14 Fun-lovers live superficially , afraid to face suffering and to enter deeply into the ambiguities and hurts of an imperfect world .
15 Before this single , the rather distanced American rock press failed to probe deeply into the phenomenon of The Smiths and had constantly referred to them as some kind of wacko gay outfit , English eccentrics playing lightweight rock .
16 If correct , this hypothesis might explain why these people so many thousands of years ago went to the trouble and danger of penetrating so deeply into the cave for this purpose .
17 For I do not think it possible to study philosophy profitably without entering fairly deeply into the history of the subject , and for this there is not time at school , nor could it be a subject that would interest more than a very few pupils .
18 Here they have often incised deeply into the sandstone rocks , producing steep-sided ravines whose depth often belies the size of the stream that created it .
19 ‘ Around that time there were an awful lot of white guys who were deeply into the blues .
20 Before we go too deeply into the treatment of illness with homoeopathy , it is useful to consider in some detail the nature of health and disease , and what is likely to have happened when an individual becomes ill .
21 As the disturbance goes more deeply into the organism from the physical to the emotional plane , from the emotional to the mental and finally to the spiritual , it is at the same time becoming higher up in the organism as it is pictured diagrammatically in Figure 3 .
22 Although homoeopathy can work deeply into the organism , and can affect the deeper emotional , mental and spiritual levels , therapies more specifically aimed at developing the spiritual aspects of human beings may well be needed in addition as the root of the cancer problem often lies at this level .
23 Those who seek to repair the damage caused by the creation of more wealth are only locking us more deeply into the source of the evil ; and Labour 's submission to this cruel belief robs it of any claim to significant opposition to the existing order .
24 Without wishing to go too deeply into the theories of acupuncture , practitioners see the therapy as a way of redirecting the vital energy of the body — known as the Qi — which flows around the meridian system , the energy network linked up to all those vital areas of your body , such as the internal organs .
25 Drawing on the fundamental drive to imitate and delving deeply into the pupil 's personal experience and imaginative resources , drama may embrace all these elements of communication .
26 Rod , working on his own life story with a ghost writer , has promised : ‘ I am going to leave no stone unturned — I intend to delve deeply into the numerous stains I have left on the tapestry of life . ’
27 But on a more elevated theoretical level , it is also true that the masculine/feminine dichotomy has entered very deeply into the system of linguistic analysis we call grammar .
28 It is a switchback journey with many ups and downs and one particularly steep descent almost to sea level where Loch Nedd bites deeply into the coastline .
29 in this chapter we have gone deeply into the structure of BSL from a cognitive psychological perspective .
30 Jaq knew not to enquire too deeply into the secrets of the Officio Assassinorum when such particulars were not within his brief .
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