Example sentences of "felt at the " in BNC.

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1 Any relief Widnes might have felt at the non-appearance of the injured Meninga after half-time evaporated when Myler departed with a head wound a minute after the restart .
2 The image Hitler portrayed of himself at the Nuremberg Rally was clearly consonant with the wide acceptance of the broad principles of legal discrimination and racial segregation , and with the satisfaction generally felt at the ending of the open brutality and pogrom-like anti Jewish disturbances of the vulgar anti-Semites .
3 It was felt at the time that the upward movement was out of line with the underlying trend and the latest figures analysed by Reward suggest it has in fact been short-lived .
4 Lord Donaldson said that he could now break the traditional silence of judges about their colleagues and ‘ give voice to the anger and disgust which we have felt at the campaign of calumny waged against you in recent months ’ .
5 I had felt at the instant the idea suggested itself to me the first glimmer of positive thought : suddenly I knew I was not going to sink .
6 There is the feeling of ‘ dis-ease ’ inside the penis due to inflammation of the urethra , which is aggravated by passing urine , and there is the discomfort which is felt at the tip of the penis , which is a manifestation of the inflammation at the urethral meatus .
7 The lack of a proper repair works was keenly felt at the end of the First World War , when the fleet was very run-down .
8 Nuclear power is a national option with repercussions that are first felt at the regional and local levels .
9 I suddenly felt nauseous with anger and humiliation — none of the things I 'd felt at the time .
10 She had felt at the time that he was ‘ pretty borderline for special school ’ .
11 It was easy to imagine what relief the miners must have felt at the end of a long day 's work in those conditions when they saw the mouth of the tunnel framing the daylight before them .
12 Nevertheless , given the strength of local ties , the patriotism that w as to mark the great crises remained an abstract emotion , imperfectly felt at the most intimate levels .
13 Sometimes , as they encountered new crowds of pole-carrying Annamese peasants jogging ceaselessly between market and rice field , or spilling out of their tiny village temples and pagodas , he felt that what had happened was somehow inextricably bound up with the torrid , exotic country that was so totally unfamiliar to him in all its ways , and other distressing images of the recent past began to flood through his mind ; he saw again the brutal French colon lashing the fallen prisoners between the shafts of the cart in Saigon , remembered the horror he had felt at the sight of what he thought were many massacred coolies on the river wharf on their arrival , and he heard once more the thud of the Citron striking the peasant boy on the way to the hunting camp .
14 Mona had recovered from whatever embarrassment she had felt at the Eliot knife becoming common knowledge , and said crisply : ‘ I ca n't believe that 's true about Pascoe , Alex . ’
15 It was felt at the time that regional disparities would inhibit commitment by member states to such integration .
16 In technical terms , irony is , as noted , an important element in the amusement that can be felt at the plight of characters like this merchant of Orléans .
17 The strength of these powers ( and others not detailed here ) reflect the concern which is felt at the loss of historic buildings .
18 I wonder whether his influence is being felt at the back anyway .
19 Perhaps that was overstating what had happened out there , but , for first time in months , she 'd suddenly felt at the mercy of the audience , aware of every whisper , every stare .
20 But they 're going to develop a ride which will recreate how it must have felt at the time .
21 He said what he most probably felt at the time , which was the heat of the moment .
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