Example sentences of "to establish that [art] " in BNC.

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1 It may be possible to establish that no contract was actually made on the telephone .
2 You do not need all this to establish that a man is drunk or that there is mayhem when he is in charge of a class .
3 To establish that a vehicle has been stolen the Police must have a record of its reg no .
4 It claims that the normal way to establish that a person has authority over another person involves showing that the alleged subject is likely better to comply with reasons which apply to him ( other than the alleged authoritative directives ) if he accepts the directives of the alleged authority as authoritatively binding and tries to follow them , rather than by trying to follow the reasons which apply to him directly .
5 This seeks to establish that a minister or local authority has acted beyond its powers .
6 It may , for example , be a defence to a charge of abusive dominance to establish that a market position is a result of advanced technical know-how or research and development capacity or marketing and advertising advantages which command consumer loyalty , and not the result of foreclosure of the relevant market .
7 Ltd , the position has now been reached that in order to establish that a duty of care arises in a particular situation , it is not necessary to bring the facts of that situation within those of previous situations in which a duty of care has been held to exist .
8 It is carried out to investigate and report on the responsibility assumed , and to establish that a report on the discharge of the responsibility is a correct or fair one .
9 ‘ I have already indicated my agreement with the views of my noble and learned friend , Lord Diplock , as expressed in O'Reilly v. Mackman [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 237 , and I gratefully adopt all his reasons for the conclusion that : ‘ it would … as a general rule be contrary to public policy , and as such an abuse of the process of the court , to permit a person seeking to establish that a decision of a public authority infringed rights to which he was entitled to protection under public law to proceed by way of an ordinary action and by this means to evade the provisions of Order 53 for the protection of such authorities . ’
10 The Lickbarrow v. Mason decisions by the House of Lords were the first ( at least in Anglo-American law ) to establish that a consignor 's right to stop the goods before they reached the consignee was subordinate to the rights of the consignee 's endorsee holding such a bill .
11 Rather , pluralist approaches stress the need to establish that a group or individual consciously wanted a particular policy outcome and took successful measures to secure it .
12 It was easy to establish that a peasant unit was unviable below a certain minimum size of holding and resources , which varied with soil , climate and type of production .
13 Where a court is considering whether a provision does or does not cover X the rule will not admit the parliamentary history of the provision to demonstrate that at no stage in the parliamentary proceedings was there any suggestion that the provision covered X. It remains to be seen how long judges in the United Kingdom will be able to require negative evidence from parliamentary material to establish that an admissible statement is an expression of parliamentary intention , but exclude such evidence as an aid to construction .
14 For one thing , Callinicos goes out of his way to establish that the intellectual tradition he is concerned to critique is itself most fruitfully read , not as an articulation of a qualitatively new postmodernism , but an instance of a Modernist-type response .
15 Mr Aikens said that to prove contempt the Attorney-General had to establish that the published information was confidential .
16 The Attorney-General also had to establish that the information complained of was the subject matter of the pending action against the Guardian and the Observer .
17 Successive Labour spokesmen tried to establish that the Thatcher Government did not have its heart in the health service .
18 Mainly , the leading eugenists devoted themselves to preparing ‘ pedigree studies ’ of pauper families in order to establish that the residuum was a degenerate sub-species , genetically afflicted by feeble-mindedness , insanity , al holism , venereal disease , criminality , tuberculosis , and infant mortality , which multiplied far more quickly than superior members of the race .
19 I would like to extend his thesis in order to establish that the dramatic playing mode can use both personal and projected activity .
20 ‘ PopCon has been doing research all over the world to establish that the majority of prospective parents would prefer a son to a daughter , and many would be prepared to undergo minor medical procedures to ensure that they got their wish , including the abortion of a female fetus , ’ Dorothy told a hushed audience in a room at a secret address in North London .
21 Since much of the computation time is used to establish that the solution is optimal , premature termination of the procedure can often save time and yet still give the optimal solution , although its optimality can not be guaranteed .
22 In Hedley Byrne , however , the House of Lords considered that , for a duty of care to exist , it was sufficient to establish that the professional ought to have known that the third party would rely on his statement , Lord Reid put it this way : ‘ I say ‘ ought to have known ’ because in questions of negligence we now apply the objective standard of what the reasonable man would have done . ’
23 If this is the case then the inquirer may be best advised to negotiate directly with the Revenue in the manner that he suggests , namely to establish that the donations are non-taxable receipts and that the only taxable income should be in respect of investment income and any trading profits .
24 Only by touch was it possible to establish that the body inside was entire , though it was not practical either to drain the liquid or to lift the remains .
25 Their testimony was purely to establish that the substance they had seized was marijuana .
26 Second , the need to establish that the items were concealed with ‘ animus revertendi ’ ( ie ; with the intention of retrieving the objects ) , which is essential to a verdict of Treasure Trove , would be abolished .
27 Bartlett 's work was a reaction to the strict controlled experimenting of Ebbinghaus , using nonsense materials , and he set out to establish that the process of learning involved a restructuring on the part of the individual towards a better organisation from his own point of view .
28 The first major recommendation in the Bill was that the requirement to establish that the conduct of the prostitute caused annoyance to inhabitants , residents or passers-by should be removed .
29 The word ‘ service ’ here needs emphasizing , too , for while it is simple to establish that the law requires the appointment of twelve Governors and that twelve have been appointed , a broadcasting service is organic , extensive , continuous — and difficult to evaluate .
30 For the Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations to succeed in its suit , it needed to establish that the Tobacco Institute of Australia 's advertisement ‘ was published in trade or commerce . ’
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