Example sentences of "significantly [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The homosexual is significantly implicated in both sexual and cultural difference , and for two main reasons .
2 As with collegiality and openness and professionality , teachers ' attitudes towards the efficiency of SSE and the threat it poses are significantly differentiated by how well they recall the Solihull booklet .
3 These data suggest that , for both men and women , outcome significantly depended on whether their wishes were considered , or , alternatively , that their wishes were taken more seriously in less serious cases .
4 The pattern may suggest that cemeteries and boundaries may coincide in up to 30 per cent of cases , but the 70 per cent away from them is perhaps the more relevant figure ; in reality , pagan Anglo-Saxon cemeteries are not significantly biased towards the boundaries and their location there may be the result of chance .
5 Therefore , the outward motion of the expanding bubble is not significantly biased in the direction of the impact , and a roughly circular crater is excavated .
6 Modern scholars have tended to see the Revolution in a more conservative light , stressing the key role of the Tories in bringing about the Revolution and maintaining that the powers of the Crown were not significantly redefined in 1688 – 9 .
7 Was the ruler 's freedom of action significantly limited by independent institutions and social pressure or was he in a position to subject every social stratum to his own will ?
8 Party alignments were further affected by the fact that the executive powers of the Crown were not significantly limited by the Glorious Revolution , which meant that the monarch continued to play a crucial role in shaping the pattern of politics after 1689 .
9 In a letter to the Stirling Conservative MP , Michael Forsyth , a defence minister of state , Archie Hamilton , assured his ministerial colleague — who had forwarded him a letter from a constituent in the Killin team — that ability to meet the agreed civil SAR response criteria would not be significantly altered with the closure of Leuchars .
10 He was an honest man : differences between the two quartos are very real , and they point to an obvious conclusion — that The Fairy Queen first staged in 1692 was significantly altered for revival in 1693 .
11 After exposure of the mucosa to 100% ethanol , this was reduced by about 65% and the reduction was not significantly altered by the administration of bFGF .
12 The Cumbria Area Health Authority claimed in 1981 that ‘ deaths from leukaemia have not significantly altered from the national rates ’ .
13 The fact that the North batting line-up was significantly altered from the start of the season should take nothing away from Bangor 's performance in recording a 74-run win .
14 Now as economists we should have strong prides about income in this model , we would all , we would expect income to be very important in explaining textile consumption although the model is telling us at the moment , income does n't seem to be significantly explained in textile consumption so that 's something to worry about , we 're getting some , er sort of peculiar results here .
15 The researcher noticed that the adult sex ratio was significantly skewed towards males in some of the groups she was observing .
16 While the intentions of the plot are clear enough , it is not significantly developed by the dance .
17 Rather than " identical concepts " , all that is available , and can be significantly referred to , are ( in Wittgenstein 's famous phrase ) " family resemblances " as between different uses of concept-words .
18 In fact , any argument directed against the applicability of the idea of identity to meanings is really self-stultifying , for such an argument would imply , among other things , that no topic could be significantly referred to as " the same " on two separate occasions , with the inevitable consequence that the argument itself could not get off the ground .
19 The number of males surviving to old age in these birth cohorts has been very significantly deleted by the huge mortality associated with the 1914 — 18 world war .
20 Before any of them can be significantly claimed to be logical as well as grammatical subjects , and treated as denoting certain objects that exist in their own right rather than merely describing attributes of such objects , or representing something purely fictional , certain additional conditions must be fulfilled .
21 The normal preference for alkylation at runs of G's is significantly modified in acridine-tethered aniline mustards ( 20 ) and phenanthridinium alkyl bromides ( 21 ) where greatly enhanced reaction occurs at isolated guanines located in 5'-GT sequences .
22 The problem then needs to be formulated in scientific terms and this requires the object to have some property which is unique to its origin , but which varies from place to place and is not significantly modified by manufacture ; the property must also be scientifically detectable .
23 ( The 1989 Monopolies and Mergers Commission Report on the Brewing Industry concluded that the operation of ‘ tied houses ’ by the large brewers was contrary to the public interest and proposed a limit on the number of public houses that each brewer could own , although the Commission 's proposals were significantly modified by the government . )
24 Papal influence over the English church had been significantly eroded during the course of the fifteenth century , partly as a consequence of late fourteenth-century legislation , such as the statutes of Provisors and Praemunire , and partly as a consequence of the international political situation .
25 However , the proportion of women who are full-time housewives has significantly dropped during the post-war period and , since married women who have paid employment spend less time on housework than those without paid work , this means that overall , there has been a significant decline in the amount of time the average woman will spend doing housework .
26 For anyone who has been significantly disabled by RSI there are two routes that can be followed .
27 How we feel about ourselves and about becoming a woman — our self-image — is significantly shaped by all these conflicting influences .
28 When the tsar died at the beginning of 1725 there were twelve Russian diplomatic missions at work in different European capitals , a figure which was not to be significantly exceeded for the rest of the eighteenth century .
29 A fund-raising target of £3,000 initiated on 30 November to buy a specialised bed for the Douglas Macmillan Home was reached before the end of last year — and has since been significantly exceeded with money still coming in .
30 It is also very significantly related to the structure of the population and the composition of families , which affect both the supply of and the demand for shared households .
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