Example sentences of "looked like [art] " in BNC.

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1 The few people who were visible looked like a crew of spectres as the shadowed hollows in their faces shifted with the wavering of the flames .
2 It had looked like a melodrama — a little group in a candle-lit attic , holding up their arms with fists clenched and swearing to do or die .
3 Finally , Mrs Killea turned what had looked like a hopeless contest into a 51-49 victory .
4 Travelling by bus at night in winter could be a chilling experience , so my mother made me anklets from the fur cuffs of an old coat ; these stayed on by means of snap fasteners , and I must have looked like a poodle , but they provided considerable comfort .
5 ‘ Until then waves had looked like a pleasant photogenic distraction on television , and not a serious challenge to anything else , ’ Salter recalled , ‘ but getting so close to 5 p/kWh would have rung a lot of alarm bells with people who would feel threatened . ’
6 He may have looked like a bank-clerk but he had the heart of a poet , whether he wrote in iambic pentameters or the plain but effective doggerel of the common man .
7 The woman had not looked like a prostitute , besides which had that been the case Fedorov 's driver should have been taking a walk along the quay , or just sitting gazing tactfully ahead .
8 Looked like a cat when she stencilled them in .
9 Remarkably , they turn what had looked like a dead duck of an evening — a half-full club of uninterested Finns busy soaking up the DJ 's Toto records — into an event .
10 The recess beneath the counter in which his flock mattress was thrust looked like a grave .
11 More importantly , what might have initially looked like a lightweight novelty campaign group has grown and developed to become a full-time pressure group recognised as a leading authority on UK water pollution .
12 What had looked like a smooth expanse of grey-green wood was , close to , a maze of rough bark , roots and clumps of moss .
13 Beside it , the tower where the Shuttle had been launched looked like a pin alongside a very large black plate .
14 But Livermore insisted : ‘ We had no luck at all , particularly when Neil Ruddock had what looked like a perfectly good header disallowed after half-an-hour .
15 ‘ I sometimes think now , Oh gawd , I must have really looked like a schlepp when I used to turn up at Motown or somewhere taking a punk rocky attitude with me .
16 The new Britain may have looked like a waste land by 1945 , or at least a bomb site , especially in its inner cities .
17 That the archbishop of the prestigious see of Milan , graced by St Ambrose and St Charles Borromeo , should not be made a cardinal looked like a deliberate snub .
18 It was made of dark wood and looked like a graceful gorilla 's paw .
19 He had a bit of a beak for a nose and in profile , especially when he was frowning and thoughtful , looked like a young , dreaming hawk .
20 The clouds broke a little and the sun that had previously looked like a tarnished shilling in a bowl of porridge came out and lit the sweep of Wensleydale below the cairn .
21 She had looked like a spectre ; all the fight and vitality were gradually sucked from her .
22 Unlike Sting , Dylan and Bowie , Waits has never looked like a rock star overreaching himself .
23 Elinor 's first astonished impression was that Matron Braddock looked like a female impersonator — a sergeant-major in drag : she could n't wait to describe her to Buzz .
24 The reason our house has looked like a junk yard since 1985 is because a three-seater the colour and shape of junk has been there .
25 Even so , he had looked like a ghost of his former self , all his ch'i , his vital energy , drained from him .
26 She was six feet tall and looked like a gorgeous transvestite , possibly the beneficiary of some dirty-minded sex-change operation , over in California there .
27 ‘ I 'll grant you that , certainly , and she 's never looked like a model before . ’
28 In the gloom he must have looked like a ghost .
29 I could n't blame her , I must have looked like a platoon of Japanese snipers behind all that foliage .
30 Looked like a well disciplined and well organised team .
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