Example sentences of "include an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the least , this should include an obligation on directors who refuse to register personal representatives or transferees from them to state their reasons .
2 9.18 Value Added Tax There will now most likely be a proviso contained in the lease to the effect that any sums specified in the lease are exclusive of VAT and that any obligation of the tenant in the lease to make any payment to the landlord shall include an obligation to pay in addition any VAT that may be chargeable .
3 It will include an adventure programme , with landscaping , substantial tree planting and footpaths .
4 Other reasons may include an organisation 's need to have some of its top employees heading up the management team of foreign subsidiaries , that is , to maintain an international presence , or employees on their way up the career ladder may be posted overseas as part of the management development process .
5 His early speeches did include an address on the fiftieth anniversary of the Karachaevo-Cherkessk autonomous region , which was administratively subordinate to Stavropol , and in December 1972 , on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the USSR , an article on the ‘ Great union of friendly peoples ’ appeared in the regional newspaper .
6 An ideal outpatient exercise programme will therefore include an exercise testing facility .
7 For instance , an accounting policy note might include an assurance that the interim statements reflect the same policies applied to the previous annual accounts and that , where appropriate , certain policies necessary to interim account preparation have been adopted ( for example , accounting for foreign exchange and taxation ) .
8 It has long been argued by some accounting theorists that business accounts should also include an opportunity cost of capital in the income statement .
9 13 May — A Movement Accompaniment Day run by and , which will also include an opportunity to try out the machines in the Fitness Centre .
10 Prof John Catford , executive director of the Health Promotion Authority for Wales , will chair the evening , and speakers will include an attache from the US Embassy , university academics , and a Home Office representative .
11 ‘ If it does not contain interest rates , then it must include an invitation for readers to get full written details of the terms . ’
12 Its duties will include an inventory and monitoring of biological resources as well as providing independent scientific advice on ecological science to officials throughout the government .
13 This research will include an evaluation of procedures designed to discrimate between different possible causes of model inadequacy .
14 I mean the budget presented will no doubt include an increase , we will put in a budget higher than this year 's , I imagine , simply inflation and on costs , we 'll will mean an increase over this year 's budget , wo n't they ?
15 On the British side Howden shielded machines with no rear sealing are sufficient for most conditions although they do include an emergency system to make the cutting waterproof if necessary .
16 The MNBDO , more concerned with landing heavy guns for harbour defences , did not include an assault force to capture a naval , base because economies prevented this planned development .
17 Clearly that would require a further erm sixteen hectares to be found compared to the hundred and forty five because the hundred and forty five did include an allowance for flexibility in the first place ?
18 However , when the defendant was in possession of the goods and refused to deliver them up on demand his act was not only conversion but also detinue and the form of judgment in detinue might include an order for the delivery up of the goods .
19 Some can include an element of investment so you have the prospect of a cash sum at the end of your policy term .
20 If it was clearly intended that the ex gratia sum should include an element to cover the basic award , it will be set off against that award , but not otherwise .
21 The seminars will include an element of skills training , particularly writing and broadcasting , and it is hoped that these skills will also be used to promote awareness in the areas of culture and education , health , and the concerns of women and young people .
22 Although polarization may include an element of newcomers-versus-locals , it is based essentially on social class , with the division occurring between the working class and the middle class .
23 In a profit-making enterprise like a private health clinic , this will include an element of profit , a return on the capital invested .
24 In view of the symmetry , and the break-even condition , there are zero pure profits , so that income , M , does not include an element of pure profits ( as opposed to the rental of capital ) .
25 The permanent exhibition demonstrating the scientific and horticultural work of the Garden should include an element of interactive display .
26 Payment should include an element for a nominated number of attendances per month on-site , with additional visits paid on an agreed daily/hourly rate plus costs .
27 Now the responsibilities for terminal care do rest with both authorities , er , the original D S S er funding that was transferred , did include an element for terminal care in nursing and residential homes .
28 These meetings may include an element of mediation .
29 Basic testing will include an assessment of distance vision .
30 Records in the establishment should include an assessment for the potential for or history of violence from that client .
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