Example sentences of "committed to his " in BNC.

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1 It was n't committed to its God and was n't therefore committed to his way of doing things .
2 From here he sent out young men committed to his style of preaching .
3 Nor was he unaware of the rays of force emanating from the presence behind his back of the fateful being now committed to his charge .
4 Usually it is the husband who is committed to his career and to increasing his earning capacity , and who is dependent upon his wife for most if not all of the child care and domestic responsibilities , organization , routine , style and comfort .
5 Even before the revolution , however , and particularly under Tudor rule , the Privy Council had been largely ignored as too large and public a body , and the practice had grown up of the monarch preferring , instead , to seek advice from a smaller number of individuals whom he regarded as trustworthy and committed to his cause .
6 When he dropped the name of Princess Diana into conversations — she would soon be the Foundation 's patron , he claimed — they took this as further evidence that he was committed to his charity work .
7 Tentative behind-the-scenes suggestions by a minority of Cabinet Ministers that the Government should examine the option of peace without victory were brushed aside when , in December , Lloyd George replaced Asquith as Prime Minister , and formed a new Coalition Government explicitly committed to his policy of imposing unconditional surrender on Germany — ‘ the knock-out blow ’ .
8 He was totally committed to his research , his hard work and enthusiasm moving him rapidly on .
9 Moreover — and this must indeed have given the legate food for reflection — Anselm said he was too busy with the defence of the part of the country which the king had committed to his care , to have a meeting with the legate .
10 He had a deeply rooted fear of being personally responsible for any diminution at all in the lands committed to his care .
11 But the eternal and temporal worlds met in the maintenance of rights given to the saints and committed to his guardianship .
12 With regard to the foundation on which his advocacy of the primacy was based , it can be summed up by saying that he thought it was an integral part of the rights of the church committed to his care , testified to by the living members of the community and the tradition which they inherited .
13 When he was a child , an artist visited his school — he happened to be a musician — and left behind him an impression of a man very clearly committed to his chosen subject , and a feeling of passion for doing something you really want to do , that stayed with Paul for years until he finally decided to become a photographer .
14 But Ebert was too far along his own road now to let that colour his thinking ; too deeply committed to his own dream of inheritance .
15 Despite the difficulties Frere was committed to his new life and regretted only that enthusiasm came less easily to his wife .
16 The point is clear : if the hon. Gentleman feels that he is totally committed to his mandate and that he has not changed his opinion , he should ask the electors of Dunfermline , not me .
17 He was described by Fr Patrick O'Neill as a good man who was ‘ reared in a house in the grounds of this church and who lived a life committed to his faith , his parish , his family and who liked his weekend recreation . ’
18 As it was , others advised him against precipitating the issue , and I had a late word with him shortly before his evening meeting with the Conservative Political Centre ; but by then it was too late for he considered himself to be committed to his friends .
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