Example sentences of "impression that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Roxburgh 's point on the subject of Ferguson 's fledgling status was well made , too , but even he finished up with the impression that nobody was listening to him at yesterday 's press conference .
2 Perhaps the first , and in the end the most lasting , impression that one carries away , is of the contrast between the golden-cream light and space and the exquisite feeling of harmony engendered by the ceiling as opposed to the deep blue darkness and turmoil of the ‘ Last Judgment ’ .
3 How exciting to look at the costumes and have the impression that one is wearing them , or see one 's own face adorned with the ear-rings on display .
4 A concentrated stare at the white tile immediately ahead of one usually takes place when someone unknown unexpectedly occupies the stall alongside — sometimes accompanied by the onset of a tuneless and preoccupied whistle — anything to avoid creating the impression that one might be showing an untoward interest in the UG equipment of one 's neighbour .
5 As Goffmann points out , the end of conversational encounters carry an increased risk of creating offence — in the sense that careless or perfunctory termination may convey the misleading impression that one could n't wait for the session to end and that as far as one was concerned the whole episode was a waste of time .
6 One seldom gets on well with one 's family if one has the impression that one is better than them , and I used to dream that I had been found , abandoned in mysterious circumstances .
7 One formed the impression that its editor gave his readers what he thought they ought to read rather than what they might want or enjoy .
8 For me this is a mighty rendition of the score and all the more inspiring for the impression that its power is tapped from within .
9 To be sure , coffee-breaks in molecular biology laboratories are as marked by speculation as in any other field , but the published literature gives the impression that its authors are more concerned with the correctness of their observations than with their significance .
10 But even under this camouflage of contemporary tat you still had the strongest impression that her limbs were as lovely as her face .
11 Lady Betty Warren , the mother of the Lord of the Manor , had somehow gained the impression that her son , who appointed the Rector , Mayor , and Aldermen , had also the right to appoint the Schoolmaster .
12 Scarlet did n't care what they said about psychiatry — she got the impression that her therapist disapproved of her , simply because she needed therapy , and it was no use anyone saying anything to the contrary .
13 They are under the impression that her mind is on higher things .
14 Obviously Tony was under the impression that what he said was true , for there was certainly no malice intended in what he said .
15 It risks , however , giving the impression that what matters is not the quality of life as we each experience it in our individual consciousness , but simply what takes place in some objective world — which seems a betrayal of the whole point of utilitarianism .
16 These small hints of life give an uneasy impression that what is apparently so lifeless may have undisclosed resources of power and activity .
17 I gave the impression that what we are measuring is copying errors .
18 The alternative is that and I 'm being provocative quite deliberately , I am left with an impression that what the County Council have done is add together input from district councils to prepare its structure plan .
19 David Markham raised his eyebrows , giving Rachel the distinct impression that what his predecessor had done held no interest for him .
20 The Royal Family will not profit from the business , though one report said that the campaign by Anglo-American firm the Eclectic American Catalogue Company appears designed to give customers the impression that what they are buying is backed by the Queen .
21 Yes , he had seemed to get the impression that something was awry .
22 Parents and residents were given the impression that something was going to be done and were very dismayed to find that nothing has been done yet , hence this petition .
23 ‘ I got the impression that something major was happening in the kitchen .
24 If the price of the monetarist experiment has been consistently high levels of unemployment , then someone has to say sorry , to try to explain why all the pain is necessary , and to give the impression that something is being done to help .
25 In a variety of ways , this tone conveys an impression that something more is to follow ; a typical occurrence in a dialogue between two speakers whom we shall call A and B might be the following : A ( wishing to attract B's attention ) : Excuse me .
26 But few of their efforts in the field of development were blessed with success , and this contributed to the erroneous impression that nothing was attempted .
27 On the other hand , you did n't want to give the impression that no-one was interested , thereby making him wonder just what exactly was wrong with you .
28 ‘ I certainly do n't want to give the impression that everyone who changed their mind is an adulterer .
29 The impression that everyone had been industrious until their arrival , and would be industrious when they had gone , grew stronger .
30 Richard , looking round his solid , brassbound table , got the impression that everyone was on their best behaviour .
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