Example sentences of "prior to the " in BNC.

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1 There is an elective affinity between this cultural vision and the religious vision of the Roman catholic church prior to the second Vatican Council , in its exclusivist attitude towards other Christian churches , an attitude which is far from overcome at the level of popular Roman catholicism .
2 ’ . Prior to the establishment of the modern police system , the control of this underclass was the responsibility of the army working for the monarch or government .
3 Most of these were undetectable in that there were few enquiries I could pursue after the event ; for example , the purse stolen by an unknown thief an hour or two prior to the report and perhaps with the exact time and location of the theft unknown left little chance for skilled investigation .
4 ‘ Norman ’ is the anglicised form of Nehemiah , who stands in the history of his people as the master-builder , rebuilder more accurately , prior to the People 's return from Babylonian captivity .
5 Prior to the establishment of the Federation Cup by the ILTF ( now the ITF ) in 1962 , the former US player , Margaret du Pont , together with former Australian pro , Thelma Coyne Long and supported by the USTA , had drawn up plans for their own women 's international team competition and had even offered to donate a cup for the event .
6 While many of the bolts were placed prior to the issue of the BMC policy document , they still break the tradition against placing bolts or pegs on grit for any reason .
7 He had only won one match prior to the international , in the Regal Scottish Masters , but is well aware of his own capabilities .
8 Prior to the match , Evert had told the Australian captain , Wendy Turnbull , to tell her No. 1 player , Anne Minter , ‘ that if she can beat me as she did in Toronto ( in August ) , then she can beat Manuela Maleeva ’ .
9 Agents and their clients may also have the dilemma of deciding whether to accept any offers made prior to the auction .
10 As a result of interviews with local people , he said , the mission did not believe that any detainees were moved from prison camps ‘ to another place prior to the mission 's arrival ’ .
11 Mr Escobar confirmed reports that he had been in contact with the government for over 12 months prior to the crackdown , ordered after the drug-related slayings of a presidential candidate and two other top officials .
12 The England squad — ranked fourth in the world — will be selected following trials in December , and the team 's coach , Betty Galsworthy , will relish the prospect of pitting her team against the world champions from New Zealand and second-ranked Australia prior to the 1991 world tournament .
13 ONE SOURCE of solace to the so far disappointing New Zealand tourists , who have a last chance at Leeds tomorrow to silence the doubters prior to the first Test next Saturday , must be the rate at which Great Britain 's best players are falling by the wayside .
14 Prior to the Revolution there was scant institutional evidence of deep-rooted nationalist sentiment .
15 It is interesting to note that the local Party cell 's initial report for January , that is , prior to the central decree of 16 February on church valuables , already concentrates on two things — possible rifts within the Church , and the flow of ecclesiastical monies .
16 Due to wartime conditions the peasantry got the same amount of agricultural machinery over the years 1915–21 that they had been able to buy in a single year prior to the World War .
17 The dispatch of James Prior to the Northern Irish office , in place of Atkins , in the government reshuffle of September 1981 , also presaged an attempt at further negotiation .
18 Prior to the parade , RAFA members joined ex-service and serving members of the RAAF at a memorial service at Adelaide Airport .
19 The ice cream girl must have had a lie in this Sunday morning , and she arrived towards the end of the film showing prior to the interval .
20 Moreover , it is not true that prior to the nineteenth century ( or eighteenth , depending on when the change was said to occur ) sexual deviance was conceptualized only as a form of behaviour .
21 The figures in Table 4 show how many of these responsibilities were eventually reduced , prior to the Korean War , but much more slowly than Keynes and others called for .
22 Coetzee , describing the leagues as part of a Conservative effort to get to grips with mass politics and the ‘ new religion ’ of socialism , explains the timing of their appearance on the grounds that prior to the 1890s ‘ the Conservatives had no need of recourse to such pressure groups because they already possessed access to institutions adequate for the defence of their interests within the existing sociopolitical framework ’ .
23 Prior to the 1753 Marriage Act , the state made few serious attempts to suppress either contract marriage , which consisted of a verbal promise , or clandestine marriage , which involved a religious ritual and witnesses but which did not conform to the dictates of canon law .
24 Pearce 's switch to British Aerospace was helped by the fact that he had been a non-executive director of the aerospace company for three years prior to the move .
25 This was my most productive rig prior to the hair and I have used it since on waters where the hair has been banned .
26 The historical significance of the SI is not questioned , and the importance of the movement is asserted largely on the basis of aesthetic innovations which derive from the Lettrist period prior to the founding of the SI .
27 As the Nissan driver concentrated on bringing his car into the fuel window , prior to the final handover to Bailey , Schlesser also caught him in spite of his reduced performance .
28 Prior to the patrol I had been given a verbal briefing on the night 's events .
29 Early candidates for this treatment among industrial buildings , and prior to the enthusiasms of the last twenty years .
30 But the study was carried out at a time of economic expansion and three out of four of the firms had experienced growth in the year prior to the study .
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