Example sentences of "same thing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's the same thing over here , is n't it ?
2 This publications audit will often turn up other interesting facts that you might have been unaware of like two departments doing exactly the same thing through different outside agencies or short runs being hammered out on page printers when they could have been more effectively produced on a photocopier or by a print shop .
3 Entirely different sides of the Engines come with ‘ The Reunion 's ’ nods at West Coast country-rock , the easy beat carrying tuneful vocals ; ‘ Cold Pennies ’ is the same thing minus the country , a thrashing solo section dropped in and out again just .
4 Entirely different sides of the Engines come with ‘ The Reunion 's ’ nods at West Coast country-rock , the easy beat carrying tuneful vocals ; ‘ Cold Pennies ’ is the same thing minus the country , a thrashing solo section dropped in and out again just .
5 Aye , it 's the same thing down your back .
6 Nationalists in Scotland say much the same thing about being part of the UK .
7 I had heard Hindus in London say exactly the same thing about weddings .
8 He would hardly be likely to say the same thing about Kylie .
9 Accordingly it would be surprising if animals learned the same thing about the stimulus in the two cases .
10 The Campbells found Hector hardy , which they had expected , and intelligent , which they had n't ; while he found the same thing about them , in reverse ; and they were each surprised to find that-they liked the others well enough , in spite of their ridiculous clothes .
11 Show me any homebuilder who ca n't say the same thing about his project , but the finish-it-in-thirty-days-using-only-domestic-handtools ! brochures never tell you that , nor that it may take you weeks just to create the right kind of workplace in which to build your masterpiece .
12 Give the lack of resources and expertise in state organisations , one can not help thinking the same thing about this new initiative .
13 Most of the Bank 's economists say that Africa 's performance has been disappointing not because the gospel is wrong , but because it has not been properly implemented ( Marxists , mind you , say the same thing about communism ) .
14 You 'd be black yourself , Stephen , if someone said the same thing about Kate . "
15 He says the same thing about a range of measures , including the measures advocated by the Labour party , which would put many part-time women employees out of work .
16 ‘ At the moment , there 's insufficient evidence to arrest anyone , ’ said Harris quietly , ‘ and if I thought you were keen on any of the other men in this case , I 'd be saying the same thing about them . ’
17 But anyway , that 's the same thing about Walter .
18 The ceremony is said to derive from the day in the year 52 when San Barnaba did the same thing outside the walls of Milan to symbolize the city 's conversion to Christianity .
19 They 's doing the same thing outside your flat .
20 One could do the same thing with ‘ unicorn ’ , which has sense but no verifiable reference .
21 The Livingstones and Crichtons did this in 1439 , when they seized James II and then settled down to squabble for the next decade ; the Boyds did the same thing with James III ; and Angus found time , despite his matrimonial problems with Margaret Tudor , to get possession of James V in 1526 and dominate politics for the last two years of the minority .
22 Just as it is possible for an athlete to train himself to run faster by gradually increasing his speed , you can do the same thing with your reading .
23 To carry out the same thing with battleships was a very different matter and the collision the officers had foreseen duly occurred .
24 I could do the same thing with rich people I suppose , I could paint yuppies .
25 And the same thing with Zeppelin — no-one ever called them a heavy metal band .
26 He 's done the same thing with the torture scene .
27 I could do the same thing with rich people I suppose , I could paint yuppies .
28 Rupert Murdoch decided to do the same thing with The Times .
29 She did the same in the kitchen ; she did the same thing with the books , removing them , dusting them carefully , and returning them to clean , wiped , and waxed shelves .
30 Charles Dutoit programmed it with the Montreal Symphony after he heard the disc , says Lin , ‘ and it was the same thing with Jeffrey Tate .
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