Example sentences of "must surely be " in BNC.

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1 Another chapter , on the Kapos and the Special Squads , exhibits what must surely be judged an analytic understanding of the concentration-camp system set up by the Nazis — an understanding Eberstadt is inclined to deny him , believing that the camps are insufficiently construed in the Auschwitz book as an institutionalised anti-Semitism peculiar to Germany and politically-determined : she thinks it is soft of him to see them as belonging to a universal latent hostility to strangers .
2 Another memory must surely be of the improvement to many stations , some of the London termini becoming shopping meccas , albeit the reduction in size of key ones such as Crewe and the general simplification of track layouts .
3 Tradition , line , length , fine climbing , difficulty ; The Crack must surely be The Classic of the classics .
4 Some part of Sisson 's censures must surely be conceded : whatever esteem we have and should have for Gavin Douglas 's translation of the Aeneid , we can hardly believe that the Philadelphian Ezra Pound was any more at ease than most of us with Bishop Douglas 's sixteenth-century Scots .
5 The image of a perfect Suffolk farmhouse must surely be a pink house , with a gable or two and a tall , intricate , brick chimney , the whole wrapped around by a moat and some venerable trees .
6 Given this , he is clearly not the servant to ‘ Peace and Humanity ’ that Leeds University has billed him , and there must surely be many people who deserve the honour more obviously .
7 No must surely be the honest answer .
8 Of all the soft cheeses , Brie and Camembert must surely be the most popular .
9 Of all the hard cheeses produced throughout the world , Parmesan must surely be the most famous .
10 Since Big Macs are the same the world over , the Hong Kong dollar must surely be much undervalued against the greenback — and even more so against many other currencies if , as seems likely , America 's dollar is itself still generally undervalued .
11 This gentle admonition did little to still the clamour of unilateralists in the churches ; yet there must surely be many Christians who have retained enough faith in divine Providence to believe that the world will not end unless God wills it and that , if He does , it will be for the best .
12 It must surely be apparent that , with death visiting almost every family with such regularity , any attempt to mask or evade the reality of death could not have succeeded , and would probably have made the situation worse .
13 She must surely be the most beautiful woman in the whole world .
14 As for soil types , hungry Norfolk sands or flinty Hampshire chalks must surely be among the droughtiest in the country .
15 Whether that was true is hard to say ; but the principle must surely be right that when people could profit by doing so , they accepted the benefits of government .
16 The reason must surely be that , ‘ like most vigorous debates over economic policy , it is at least as much about power as about economics ,
17 But that policy statement must surely be consistent with the other legal requirements as to the content of sex education .
18 If there is such a place as an ideal situation , Donnington Brewery must surely be in it , surrounded as it is by beautiful scenery , an abundance of wild life and a remarkable air of peace and tranquillity .
19 This must surely be one of the most beautiful forms of propaganda .
20 These fountains must surely be amongst the most remarkable of all natural phenomena ; the plumes of incandescent liquid rock commonly reach many tens of metres in height , and one in 1959 reached not less than 400 metres .
21 Nonetheless , that inspired teacher Bernard of Clairvaux , who later on founded the Cistercian Order , knew well the innermost hearts of the army when he preached a sermon containing what must surely be the earliest ever advertising campaign .
22 One of the themes in developing a mode of thinking about nursing and its practice must surely be preventing the potential problem of accident from becoming an actual one .
23 For anyone who his felt the sensation of mystical tears , this idea must surely be one of the most beautiful of all mysticism .
24 A clear objective in this field must surely be the evaluation of the language of groups of users .
25 For some gays it is ‘ gay right or wrong , ’ a licence to do as they will which must surely be condemned .
26 But the greatest and most original clergy wit of all time must surely be Revd Sydney Smith ( 1771–1845 ) .
27 The generosity of the donor must surely be balanced by good sense .
28 Somehow or other he must surely be making an exhibition of himself .
29 In the light of the circumstances of change and the inherent contradictions of the legislation , the inertial deadweight of the system must surely be extremely powerful .
30 The answer to the second question must surely be that if there is a trust at all ( which is the first question ) , then because of the word omnia it is a trust of everything Pamphilus receives .
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