Example sentences of "must simply [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is no correct answer — you must simply do what you feel is right for you and your pet .
2 She must simply forget him .
3 In fact , you can argue and remonstrate until you are blue in the face but certain plans or arrangements can not be progressed just yet and you must simply sit tight and wait for the Full Moon in Aries on the 14th before making any drastic changes or decisions .
4 Members do not have to renounce their allegiance to other religions : they must simply pledge themselves to further the aims of the goddess , which could be summarised broadly as feminist , ecological and back-to-the-earth .
5 You must simply strike a sensible balance between working alone at your problems and collaborating with others .
6 And in ‘ Macbeth ’ , ‘ when Tarquin ‘ rapes ’ the crown , and the Boar climbs into Duncan 's slashed skin and stands up King of Scotland ’ , one must simply groan , because for all the tortuous extravagance of metaphor , and the twists and turns of myth intended to give it power like twisted elastic , one is not being told anything novel .
7 Where ill-treatment is alleged the similar child test is not appropriate and the court must simply decide on the facts whether the harm is significant .
8 As was suggested at the outset , if one really wants to know what a particular field is concerned with at any particular time , one must simply observe what practitioners do .
9 ‘ You must simply ignore these doubts , Wilson ! ’ said Malik .
10 Employers must simply abandon the national agreement altogether , or the employers may simply ban the national agreement altogether , as has happened in other industries like cotton spinning and weaving .
11 The applicant must simply show that the parent is unable to exercise appropriate control and that the child has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm for this reason .
12 I must simply learn what I can from it and apply it to my work .
13 I must simply learn what I can from it and apply it to my work .
14 In his view , as the victors , the Nationalists had acquired the right to exercise that authority , whilst the Republicans , as the vanquished , had lost all rights and must simply obey .
15 Applicants must simply file a written request setting out the reasons for the application accompanied by a draft application for the s8 order sought on form CHA 10 .
16 ‘ If you really mean what you say , then the solution is obvious : you and I must simply bury our differences for the time being .
17 One must simply accept these performances at face value and forget about problems of piano versus harpsichord versus clavichord .
18 Is this a conclusion which Nozick must simply accept , abandoning his claim to total success and pointing merely to the admitted partial success ?
19 Montano reacts to this inversion of the truth with the correct response ( assuming it to be true ) which Iago has elicited from him , namely that Othello ought to be told ; at which point Iago demurs , with the pretence of friendship : From that declaration , after the ensuing brawl , Iago has built himself a platform from which he can now act the perfect friend : As we alone know , to get the truth from what Iago says about Cassio one must simply invert everything he says .
20 He must simply have said it for effect ; after all , dramatic effects were clearly his favourite way of expressing himself .
21 In November 1959 , Castro must simply have felt that he had little to lose by seeing what Moscow was prepared to offer .
22 It was an insignificant point in its way , for Harry knew from Marjorie Mallender that Clare had met Minter whilst at Oxford — he must simply have been at another college — yet somehow his faith in his own reasoning was undermined .
23 The council must simply rethink it and find a better way of allowing disabled people with cars into town . ’
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