Example sentences of "must [verb] left " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Somebody must 've left it by mistake .
2 She must 've left her statement , walked over to her car and she checked the car before she checked the four kids .
3 You must move left pretty fast , though , to avoid the bombs .
4 I must have left it in my handbag and somebody 's stolen it . ’
5 Despite the humour , which was lapped up by an appreciative crowd , it was a sad spectacle and one that must have left her regretting her comments , when asked about her chances at Wimbledon .
6 ‘ You must have left it very tight to get here so late , ’ Moran said .
7 ‘ I must have left it where we had lunch .
8 Somewhere ahead they must have left their horses .
9 My distress when this bombshell was dropped must have left its mark , for some time later I received a letter enclosing a card signed by a number of Australian cricketers , including Bradman , at a private dinner party .
10 The match produced nearly 500 runs for the loss of six wickets in 90 overs under the most idyllic batting conditions possible and must have left Jimmy Cook wondering why the local groundsman could not produce such a benign batting strip for Transvaal 's home matches as well .
11 If by staying at Lichfield His Royal Highness had resolved to provide against their reaching Derby , he must have left them at liberty to have got into Wales without any difficulty …
12 I must have left it off the hook this morning .
13 ‘ I think I must have left things a bit late ’ , was all he said .
14 Ireland must have left Twickenham shell-shocked .
15 This must have left Carshalton depôt with insufficient vehicles to cover emergencies and on 9 September , following damage by flooding , several of the remaining trolleybuses were put out of action .
16 ‘ He must have left suddenly or else he would have … ’
17 He must have left after he 'd — he would n't hang about inside waiting to be caught , would he ? ’
18 Who he was she could n't say , because the room was too dark , but he must have left the front door open and the wind must have caught it and made it shut with a crash .
19 It went silently , dodging and hiding ; it must have left its nest at my approach .
20 I thought he must have left it in that place round the point , Halfway House .
21 Just a minute — oh , bother , I must have left it at home .
22 There were probably a number of them in Britain , but they must have left very little archaeological trace , needing only a flat piece of ground , probably outside the towns , marked out with wood rails and probably a stand at the finishing post for the local dignitaries and wealthy citizens .
23 She must have left already said Mufaro .
24 You must have left your senses behind ! 35a .
25 And yet , the letters were signed ‘ S. ’ for Sandra Kettering , and Sandra must have left the typed note of her most private intentions in the Piero book opposite ‘ The Flagellation ’ .
26 While conceding that ‘ thirty years of study and the writing of one million words must have left their mark on Newton 's mind ’ , Hall is inclined , on the whole , to reaffirm his verdict , published in a joint paper in 1958 , that Newton attempted to retrieve useful chemical facts from the enigmatic and mysterious terms employed by alchemists to conceal them .
27 In washing her hands after breakfast she had taken off her wedding ring and must have left it on the side of the basin .
28 " she must have left it behind by mistake , " said Billy 's father .
29 ‘ The car was unlocked , you must have left it unlocked . ’
30 Whoever had come last night had been determined to find something but must have left without doing so .
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