Example sentences of "must [be] reduced " in BNC.

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1 The original legislation passed in 1985 stipulated that the deficit must be reduced to $36bn in the 1990 fiscal year which began on 1 October .
2 Staffing levels and costs are , without question , too high and must be reduced .
3 If an aggravation occurs i.e. an intensification of the original symptoms , at the end of treatment , then the doses must be reduced in quantity and repeated at longer intervals , or stopped altogether to see if the symptoms will continue to disappear by themselves .
4 A homœopathic aggravation i.e. an intensification of the original complaint , at the beginning of treatment , is a sure sign that the dose ( i.e. the quantity of the dissolved granule ) is too large and must be reduced .
5 But generally your presentation must be reduced to its bare essentials before giving it .
6 Without beating around the bush , Fred explained that Mr Miller had decided that the editorial staff must be reduced by one reporter , and were there any volunteers ?
7 From the results of medical evidence it is blatantly obvious that lead in the atmosphere must be reduced .
8 Many hearing-aids have devices to restrict the loudness received by the aid user and also to provide tone selection , but there are still aid users who find that sound volume must be reduced in noisy circumstances .
9 Then and must be reduced by this amount , which will leave one of them at zero .
10 As a result , if the working week is shortened for full-time employees , the hours worked by the part-time employees must be reduced proportionally .
11 The Queen is already thought to have accepted that the royals ' £10 million Civil List payment must be reduced .
12 All of these situations produce character-level ambiguity which must be reduced to achieve good recognition performance .
13 On top of that come huge sums of cheap credit to enterprises which must be reduced if inflation is to be controlled .
14 Consequently , the offenders are not important ; what matters is that opportunities must be reduced and risks increased and this requires that attention be given to the situations in which offences may occur .
15 But he admitted that the gulf between mainframe and mid-range machines in pricing and performance must be reduced and mainframes must shake off their proprietary tag if they are to survive .
16 The CDU however , like Margaret Thatcher 's Conservatives in Britain , represented a resurgence of conservative values , a faith in the Atlantic alliance and a belief that state intervention must be reduced to allow the economy to resuscitate .
17 Unreliable , complex intuitions must be reduced to reliable , simple ones .
18 In view of the substantial sums of money involved , risks must be reduced to the absolute minimum .
19 He also emphasised that future spending must be reduced below current levels if the company is to remain profitable at low oil prices : ‘ We must also preserve cash so that we can fund further ventures for the company , ’ he added .
20 Development costs must be reduced — we simply can not proceed with marginal projects , and must select the projects which offer the greatest return .
21 As the target position is approached the stepping rate must be reduced , so th t the motor is running at a speed below the start/ top rate when the target is reached .
22 If this is not so , our estimate of the amount of luck that we are allowed to postulate must be reduced accordingly .
23 In either case , your reckonable earnings must be reduced by the loss of employment .
24 There is no dispute about the incidence of smoking among young people and among the population as a whole , which must be reduced .
25 On the economic side , there is no doubt that price support must be reduced to nearer world levels .
26 Suppose that the government is able to reduce cash by £1 million ; then with a money multiplier of 10 ( = 1/cash ratio ) , advances must be reduced by £9 million , bringing a total £10 million reduction in deposits and hence in money supply .
27 According to the FoE 's report , Transport and Climate Change , computer modelling has shown that CO2 emissions must be reduced by 30 per cent , not just stabilized , to protect the environment .
28 When this reaches 200-350 points on the standard Imeca air quality scale , industrial activity must be cut by 30-40 per cent ; when the Imeca points rise to 350-400 , industrial activity must be reduced by 50-75 per cent .
29 Similarly timing is important in group rationalisations either because the transaction must be completed within the current financial year or because overheads must be reduced rapidly if the core business is to survive .
30 A GOLF driving range , dubbed a ‘ blot on the landscape ’ by planners , must be reduced in size , a Government inspector has ruled .
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