Example sentences of "over several years " in BNC.

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1 He was speaking from a mind full of ideas and images , which all offered insight in varying ways , which he sought to reflect on over several years .
2 The sale , for a sum not thought to be material , marks the final dismemberment of Metro-Cammell Weymann , the vehicles business which unbeknown to Laird lost £50m over several years .
3 O&Y has agreed to pay £400 million over several years but its bankers will have a say before any deal is ratified .
4 Where the difference lies … er , well , I can not quite remember … something about the Tory expenditure being spread over several years and Labour splurging its all at once .
5 Under the Kettering Scheme , the sequence of these and other similar developments was remarkable and the combination of the unflagging effort by Miss Green and the guiding influence of Miss Stocks was demonstrably successful over several years .
6 It had a large membership with several members influential in local civic life and an enviable record of continuous educational activity over several years through its courses and conferences .
7 Over several years volunteers from schools , colleges , and County Youth Clubs , together with many adult enthusiasts , have worked at cutting and clearing trees and undergrowth , uncovering surface works and piers , cleaning channels and tracks and in constructing a path down and across the site to enable visitors to explore as much of the Plane as possible .
8 After some initial hesitation , the Church Commissioners agreed and now the remaining repairs , principally to the stonework , can be carried out on a rolling programme over several years .
9 The total of these requirements — some of which will be spread over several years — will give a good indication as to how much you have left to offer for the freehold or rent .
10 Actual allocations to regions would gradually be adjusted over several years so that they moved towards the target allocations .
11 The narrowness of the academic content of many ‘ A ’ level courses has been a constant cause of complaint and concern over several years .
12 Counters were asked to make several visits in a season and , in a number of sites , counts were spread over several years .
13 They followed the fates of individually-known lions living in the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania over several years .
14 But recent research shows that the ‘ constant ’ changes by a fraction of a per cent , both over a period of weeks and over several years .
15 Over several years , the company had introduced these new machines onto the shop floor .
16 ‘ There are always survivors , ’ she said , and told me about cancer patients given six months to live by conventional doctors , whom she had sustained over several years .
17 Various experiments of a similar nature over several years demonstrated the same phenomenon over much greater distances .
18 Bank overdraft Flexible borrowing up to a certain ceiling for people with bank accounts , usually without security , and paid off over a few months , but can be extended over several years ; interest , calculated each day on how much the account is overdrawn that day , fluctuates in line with bank base rates ( usually about two per cent higher ) .
19 Rather than do this piecemeal over several years , Mr Moore chose to complete the process in five months flat .
20 No great progress was made over several years , so it was decided to enlist the services of the Ergonomic Department of Loughborough University .
21 Often such a panel gives early warning of changes in public opinion where they are consulted over several years .
22 On other occasions , a model or theory may emerge in an act of discovery ; but that is the result of deliberate endeavour , perhaps over several years , devoted to some particular inquiry .
23 The best way to borrow money for home improvements is to extend your existing mortgage , so you can spread the cost over several years .
24 In winter 1980–81 a Western specialist on South Asia , Selig Harrison , suggested that a formula involving the emergence of a provisional government in Afghanistan might win Soviet acceptance if could provide for arrangements under which Moscow could withdraw from that country in a phased fashion over several years and if the new Afghan government could return to the pre-1973 Soviet-tilted brand of neutralism .
25 Philip Joseph , chairman of Books Etc , waged a campaign against this practice — or more accurately against the fact that UK booksellers have been unable to stock such books when airport bookshops can — over several years .
26 The information tied in with a jig-saw of international intelligence laboriously pieced together over several years , and a decision was made to lay a trap , involving on the I.D .
27 A reputation had been built up over several years for the use of computers in the fields of manpower planning , personnel statistics and other industrial relations applications .
28 In line with the steady upward trend in the use of the Music Room over several years , the readership again increased this year , rising to 1,127 , with the number of items issued also reaching a new high point at 3,129 .
29 A loan of up to 85% of the contract value is offered to the buyer who repays the loan over several years having paid the exporter in full .
30 Belgian-born Dr Michel Pacque , who first carried out tests of ivermectin with workers in a rubber plantation in Liberia over several years , is now taking up an appointment as consultant for Sight Savers ( Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind ) in West Africa with the task of organizing regular supplies .
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