Example sentences of "over [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 But of course the human body is simply not capable of being subject to such control over prolonged periods .
2 In some people ketamine has the potential for compulsive , repeated use ; cases of self administered injections several times daily over prolonged periods have been reported .
3 Several authors have shown a relationship between the degree of gastric alkalinity and the concentration of bile salts in gastric juice over prolonged periods .
4 Bank loans carrying fixed interest payments over specific periods , are thought to be more constraining in contrast to the flexibility gained by varying stockholders dividends in line with company performance .
5 Ward managers report on expected levels of work over specific period of time throughout a typical week .
6 It is , however , impossible to separate out processes acting at different scales and over different periods : a single volcanic eruption lasting hours or days sometimes leads to dust and gas being ejected into the atmosphere over a period of months and this in turn may lead to global climatic fluctuations over years or decades .
7 This rather defeats its theoretical purpose of putting different types of loan over different periods of time on to an identical basis for comparison .
8 Perhaps , I can then proceed to manipulate these numbers , and use the findings to put forward more precise proposals as to the level of budget , or the way in which the budget should be deployed — in different media , over different periods of time , etc .
9 Alcohol and other drugs have direct sedative and stimulant effects on the brain , both acting at the same time but over different periods of time .
10 Furbush ( 1989 ) studied movements in the spot and futures prices of the S&P500 index over five-minute periods in October 1987 .
11 A core group of individuals does seem to stay in association with each other over extended periods , although there may be some coming and going within that time .
12 It is well nigh impossible to compare the rate of crime over extended periods of time ( as Reading 10 , Chapter 5 , taken from Pearson 's study , indicates ) .
13 Pearson 's study of the history of street crime in Britain clearly illustrates the problem of using criminal statistics as a means for comparing the rate of crime over extended periods of time .
14 The group elders would normally mediate and settle disputes , but in the open bush conflicts often remained unsolved with feelings of revenge simmering over extended periods .
15 The intention is that over extended periods of time equivalent machines receive an equivalent amount of resource .
16 Pulse arrival times have been recorded by Taylor and his colleagues over extended periods during the last 15 years .
17 Marsh observed that companies tend to retain the services of their financial advisers over extended periods and therefore the underwriting is but one of many such financial services .
18 It is important to look at ratio trends over extended periods in order to judge the progress of the company .
19 It is important to look at ratio trends over extended periods in order to judge the progress of the company .
20 The company applies its techniques through workshops or residencies over extended periods of time in hospitals , community centres of special schools .
21 Below , the flowers have minimal visual lures and are produced over extended periods , or even continuously , while others are strongly scented and produced more periodically .
22 Staverman and co-workers ( 1956 ) paid particular attention to approximations to the solution of the integral equations used in the exact theory , since , experimentally , observations can only be made over limited periods of time ( in creep for example ) or limited frequency ranges ( in dynamic methods ) whereas the exact theory of linear viscoelasticity requires the use of infinite integrals .
23 So far we have simply assumed a particular growth rate for the firm 's earnings over future periods .
24 Extended over vast periods of time , the same process could account for the production of all the various species of animals and plants .
25 While most all-night recording experiments are over brief periods ( of up to a week ) , some very extended studies have been done , and there is no evidence that the patterns of sleep we observe over short periods ( after the first night ) are in any way peculiar to the unfamiliarity of the laboratory environment .
26 But this also means that as the morphology of species matured over great periods of historic time , other forms became more adapted to life on land , while yet others returned to the water to escape the increasing competition .
27 Over great periods of time , the peat is compressed and turned to coal .
28 He thinks that when he goes on to test the device in human patients , it should prove successful over long periods .
29 stable over long periods when sweatily enclosed in plastic bags
30 It has also been clear in his methods of training orchestras over long periods of time .
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