Example sentences of "over [art] top " in BNC.

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1 Liz , the receptionist , peered at me over the top of her pink-rimmed spectacles .
2 If you feel like going completely over the top , why not grow some rhubarb chard near your gaudy cabbages ?
3 If the opponent 's attack is a face punch , then hit his extended arm with your forearm , glancing your punch over the top of his and into the target .
4 If the action is sharp enough your opponent 's punch will graze over the top of your head , helped on its way by a fast rising block .
5 It was certainly not one of the many studied effects which Paul had variously condemned as ‘ ludicrous ’ , ‘ over the top ’ , ‘ outrageous ’ , ‘ dingy ’ , or — most damaging of all — ‘ silly ’ .
6 She 's gone over the top .
7 They were free to look over the top of the box to see what size the bricks really were , and they were quite aware that their own view was distorted because one of the portholes contained a magnifying lens .
8 The coils themselves should consist of 500 turns of 0.2mm enamelled wire scramble wound as neatly as possible over the core , the second winding crossing over the top of the first at right angles .
9 You may think this is way over the top , but by the time he gets there the reader , if he believes ( as I do ) in Keneally 's veracity , will have experienced the same emotion .
10 But this time Hardy went straight on to the attack , putting Holmes on the canvas with a right over the top for an initial count of seven .
11 He had a grey fringe round back and sides , although a few wisps that had once been fair or ginger were combed over the top .
12 Sir Adrian cites the example of the army commander who leads his troops over the top of the trenches when it might have been more prudent to stay put .
13 AF boss Dr Bruno Broughton said : ‘ There is nothing wrong with the bulk of the IFM proposals but forcing people to qualify before being allowed to go fishing is over the top . ’
14 Sweetcorn , chickpeas or maples may well be the going bait and it could then be an advantage to fish a couple of very large jumbo tiger nuts of half a brazil nut over the top of the baited area .
15 One ice-breaker went over the top on the Oxford Canal at Nell 's Bridge on Saturday and plunged neck deep into freezing water
16 At journey 's end she folded over the top of the bag and thoughtfully replaced it behind the netting on the back of the seat in front .
17 With the hood down you can lower the windows and go in over the top , but even this is far from ideal .
18 Then a couple of Jumping Jack fireworks came over the top , one of which fell into my underpants .
19 Medieval paintings show twists of cloth jammed into bottlenecks , or cloth or leather tied over the top , sometimes smeared with sealing wax .
20 The cover over the top allows the moisture which comes off the food to stay beneath the oil and seal it .
21 He threw his dressing gown casually on the chair and — with never a glance at Arty — jumped between the sheets , picked up the newspaper from the floor beside the bed , opened it out and peered over the top , his ears tuned to the conversation .
22 ‘ When I do go out somewhere special I like to go completely over the top in the glamour stakes — different hairdo , glittery accessories and high heels ’
23 George Underwood : David was always a bit over the top and he decided to write to John Bloom , a millionaire business , saying something to the effect ‘ Brian Epstein has got The Beatles but you can have us ’ , but Bloom was n't that interested and passed his letter to Les Conn , an agent . ’
24 They were in their plastic bags on the outdoor grounds , and as the sun came up , it came up over the top of the hill and hit the silver pyramid and there was David on stage singing .
25 On this aspect of the story Mr Sale is an invaluable guide and teacher , but he goes well over the top in his determination to present Columbus as the representative of a devilish western world driven only by the desire to rape , grab and despoil a land of innocence .
26 Now , suddenly , he had an uneasy feeling that he had allowed himself to go a little ‘ over the top ’ .
27 Alison looked quite like her mother — only the mother was over the top and wore too much make-up .
28 The wind was blowing over the top of Jinny 's head , fluttering the loose , short hairs round her forehead .
29 When Dot went to bed that night , Gloria laid the fawn coat over the top of the blanket .
30 On the table was a vase of flowers , a square honeycomb oozing liquid honey from its wax holes onto the dish , three jars of jam , each one a different colour of dark red , and a jug with a muslin cloth over the top .
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