Example sentences of "over [art] centuries " in BNC.

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1 Over the centuries carving has built up a range of chisels and gouges , the names of which are as esoteric as the craft itself
2 It suggests that there are universal human qualities , and that people can recognize them in Shakespeare 's dramas , over the centuries and through many cultural mediations .
3 Chinese philsophers , gourmets and poets have produced over the centuries an extensive literature devoted to tea and its presumed effects upon the body and soul .
4 The British in 1979 were poised between a reverence for old historic symbols which had provided order and cohesion over the centuries , and an uneasy awareness that such reverence had become a recipe for immobilism and devotion to the outdated totems of the past .
5 One tree in a school near Worcester has remained in its original position , while the buildings around it have been demolished and rebuilt over the centuries .
6 Over the centuries , trade in whale products helped many nations prosper ; no country now generates wealth and food by taking this awful toll .
7 In Woodstock town centre is situated the famous Oxfordshire County Museum , which vividly displays the Oxfordshire landscape and how the lives of its inhabitants have changed over the centuries .
8 Over the centuries Barnham has belonged to the families of St John , Poynings , Fitzwilliam , Howard , Morley and Acland .
9 ( This was added to over the centuries and culminated as a gigantic mansion of the early 1830s ) .
10 We are now back where we were in Elizabeth I 's days : a middle power , making our way in a world dominated by two superpowers , and doing so through intuitive manipulation of balances of power , as we have always done over the centuries .
11 The majority view was that Britain was and would remain a great power , giving the world leadership based on her experience over the centuries rather than on the depth of her pocket .
12 The Army was more ambivalent : while welcoming the end of National Service and the return to ‘ real soldiering ’ with a regular army , the Army Council looked askance at the loss of 51 regiments , 17 of which were infantry battalions with battle honours stretching back over the centuries .
13 Participating in a traditional bloody ritual called the grynd , that dates back over the centuries , Faroe Islanders each year herd large schools of pilot whales into shallow waters and then , with man and whale alike thrashing in red blood-stained water , the animals are gaffed , speared , or knifed to death .
14 The fruits of their labour now attract scholarship as much as , over the centuries , they have attracted dust .
15 Despite the aridities of scholastic philosophy , Hobbes did think that , over the centuries , the seeds of natural reason had borne some fruit .
16 Now I realized how over the centuries this window must have provided an incomparable panorama of the goings-on in the village .
17 Scholars , disciples , stone-carvers and holy artistic men of every kind taught or studied at Clonmacnoise over the centuries .
18 Several European countries have a rich tradition of master painters and sculptors and vast collections of works of art have undergone extensive restoration over the centuries .
19 As well as those mentioned , there are others too that have been domesticated over the centuries providing food , clothing and transportation .
20 Beyond that first ridge came rolling scrubland , the soil impoverished over the centuries by annual burning and the single crop agronomy of the Maya , the land now abandoned .
21 Over the centuries the best Italian architects , Solari , Amadeo , Pelligrino Tibaldi ( known as Il Pellegrini ) and Richini , worked on the building , although the façade was actually finished by Carlo Amati , the final stage being completed after many years of inactivity , and only after Napoleon took an interest in the building .
22 Over the centuries this painting acquired a reputation for being miraculous , although in an ill-defined way , so that in 1413 Duke Filippo Maria Visconti decided to build a church to house the work and shelter it from the weather .
23 The mill passed through the hands of many millers over the centuries , finally ceasing operations in the mid-1950s .
24 As with numerous other mill sites , it has waxed and waned in importance , and over the centuries has been home to many individuals and industries .
25 Over the centuries , a string of mills had been built along the Chelt , virtually all of them corn mills .
26 From Bagendon , the Churn rushes on its way towards Cirencester where , over the centuries , it has powered cloth mills , fulling mills , a carpet factory and edge-tool works .
27 The Windrush has supported numerous mills over the centuries , some of which are still standing .
28 some of the ways in which English is constantly changing between generations and over the centuries ; and people 's attitudes to such change .
29 ( iii ) From their reading of pre-20th century literature , pupils should be encouraged to identify some of the major changes in English grammar over the centuries , eg the loss — except in some dialects and in religious uses — of thee and thou ; the simplification of the verb system eg from have , hast , hath , to have and has ; the change in the structure of negatives eg from I know not to I do n't know .
30 There had always been a continued physical Jewish presence there over the centuries ; it was for the Jews too an ancient homeland .
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