Example sentences of "our eye [be] " in BNC.

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1 Their unhesitating assumption that they contain all life as much as they are contained by it has helped them forge what to our eyes is an almost supernatural intimacy with their forests and creatures .
2 The f-number of our eyes is about 2.55 , while a standard camera lens has an f-number of 1.8 and special lenses may reach 1.1 .
3 The evidence before our eyes is her faultless attention to detail in these exquisite flower decorations .
4 our eyes are pebbles left by the sea
5 Light is the form of electromagnetic radiation which our eyes are able to see .
6 Our eyes are not cameras , our ears are not tape-recorders , faithfully but passively recording what is in the outside world .
7 Our eyes are going : we printed Freedman Sharp and Associates ' fax number rather than its phone number .
8 Or is it that our eyes are ready for a review of his masterly clash of print , texture and colour ?
9 If rapid eye movements accompany dreaming , does it mean that our eyes are following the action of the dreams ?
10 Our eyes are placed at the front of the head , a position shared by the eyes of cats , birds of prey and other hunters .
11 They are structured in such a way that while we feel our way visually into the space suggested by the subject our eyes are simultaneously being run up the picture by short thrusts in and out of a limited pictorial depth .
12 Our eyes are built to cope with a narrow band of electromagnetic frequencies ( the ones we call light ) , somewhere in the middle of the spectrum from long radio waves at one end to short X-rays at the other .
13 In an astonishing blend of verse , superb pictures and prose , our eyes are opened to the elephant 's grace , social sophistication , sensitivity and gentle power .
14 Our own visual image appears to be continuously updated as long as our eyes are open .
15 You know our eyes are very important to us , what he says , get a bit frustrated with you , you 've not understood what they 're tr trying to explain , they say come on , open your eyes will you , it 's there , it 's in front of you .
16 Remarkable new pictures from the Anglo-Australian Observatory in New South Wales show how some familiar objects would look if our eyes were sensitive to infrared radiation IN MODERN astronomy , researchers investigate the sky at all wavelengths from gamma-rays and X-rays to radio waves .
17 So here we are seeing exactly how the objects would look if our eyes were sensitive to wavelengths about five times longer than they actually detect .
18 Our eyes were glued to the large plate into which she was placing the cooked ones .
19 While the plodding votary of meaning is anxiously inquiring out the sense … his fellow-worshipper , remembering that our eyes were not given us for nothing … roves , in gazing ecstasy from page to page , till here and there arrested by the choice vignette or richly tinctured plate .
20 But , as time wore on , and the whites of our eyes were still clearly visible , the girls , without missing a beat , subtly modified their glances as if to convey : " God knows we 've tried , you heartless bastards . "
21 Indoors , our eyes were shiny , like dark moons .
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