Example sentences of "being offered [det] " in BNC.

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1 BROOKE SHIELDS , who is not being offered many good roles since outgrowing her curvaceous teens , may be looking for a new career as a film critic .
2 You 're being offered all the protection of the law .
3 In 1808 the elder Burn sent William , at the age of 17 , to the office of Sir Robert Smirke , then only three years in the business and already being offered more business than he could safely undertake .
4 That all sponsors should be treated equally , none being offered more prominence than others when acknowledgement is given ;
5 Under the deal , called PRT ( Promotion , Transfer and Redundancy ) , nobody can be sacked without being offered another job somewhere in the system .
6 Bankers close to the deal say that Morgan Stanley was forced reluctantly to accept a lower commission structure because Italy was being offered this by other banks competing for the business .
7 But what mattered , as Bernard well knew , was that she was young and energetic and would feel charged with enormous responsibility and will to succeed in return for being offered this opportunity to take ‘ Laura Ashley ’ to the States .
8 Roirbak had the absurd impression he was being offered some kind of religious icon .
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