Example sentences of "those concerned [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While for some this is a welcome development , for many others this structural change in the labour market reduces the income and the company welfare benefits of those concerned to such an extent that they are made inferior to their colleagues in the primary labour market .
2 Grey areas still remain , however , and the Takeover Panel has now attempted to clear one of those concerned with the current fashion for buy-outs .
3 Put together , argue those concerned with America 's financial muscle , California 's Security Pacific , New York 's Bankers Trust and a super-regional , NCNB ( formerly North Carolina National Bank ) .
4 The hardest questions are those concerned with the evolutionary causes , and consequences , of this pervasive genetic recombination .
5 The reluctance to undertake serious study is equally widespread , but is significant in this area to provide a challenge to all those concerned with promoting adult education ’ .
6 Even more profound changes happened in the internal structures of the brachiopods , partly those concerned with supporting the lophophore — these changed from simple loops to complex ‘ doubled back ’ structures , or to fantastic spirals and whorls — all presumably designed to increase the ways of food-gathering , and its efficiency .
7 Both Acts contain provisions specifically concerned with education , of which those concerned with school admissions form part .
8 Whilst any legal provisions concerned with the curriculum may be said to add further legitimacy to the instillation of moral , cultural and social values by the education system ( via the so-called ‘ affective curriculum ’ ) , there are provisions associated in a particularly identifiable way with certain values — for example , those concerned with sex and race equality , which may be said to have almost universal support amongst policy-makers and practitioners .
9 But we deal at somewhat greater length with the language aspects of the English curriculum than with those concerned with literature , because language , including such matters as Standard English , the use of linguistic terminology , the teaching of grammar and knowledge about language , has recently been a more contentious subject than the teaching of literature .
10 We need to consider a form of examination that can reflect the ideal of ‘ transferable skills ’ , and of the equal importance of the practical with the theoretical , that can above all reflect the ideal of broad ‘ philosophical ’ understanding within each subject-area , which can come to be respected by those concerned with selection for higher education as an indicator of potential achievement .
11 The reason why this is particularly worrying to those concerned with the elderly mentally frail is that the prevalence of dementia rises markedly with age .
12 Mr Dilworth explained that our programmes would form part of the radio services for the troops wherever they were , at home or abroad , that those concerned with broadcast production would be organizing War Bonds and recruiting campaigns , and that keeping at our work would be the best way of serving the war effort .
13 They include house designers and manufacturers , especially those concerned with the production of child safety equipment ( CAPT , 1986 ) , children 's furniture and toys ; and household products , especially commonly used chemicals and other potentially dangerous substances and articles .
14 On the other hand , I suspected that those concerned with the practical supply of publicly available information to business executives ( whom , after all , the work carried out here was originally intended to help ) would probably not take the trouble to read such a review , if it ever came to fruition , because it would not be practical enough !
15 Essentially , this relates to risk assessment but it is made especially difficult because genetic engineering affects so many regulatory bodies , including those concerned with public health as well as the environment .
16 This reiterated the belief , common among all those concerned with the youth question , that ‘ adolescence ’ should be regarded as a period of education , supervision , control , and guidance .
17 The overriding criticism of the National Curriculum proposals was that it was not designed to achieve significant fundamental aims : it did not obviously focus upon ‘ great issues , principles and values ’ , or on the development of fundamentally important attitudes and skills , which educators , industrialists , and all those concerned with the welfare of society and the enrichment of the individual , would see as paramount .
18 There were noticeable omissions in some areas , primarily those concerned with administrative tasks .
19 It is not always possible to place soft systems studies into strict categories , such as those concerned with organisational analysis , defining user requirements and so on .
20 The questions raised during the modelling exercise were a mixture of those concerned with furthering the knowledge of the analysts in relation to the facts about present procedures and responsibilities , and those concerned with whether or not the systemically desirable activities were being undertaken , by whom , and with what level of effectiveness .
21 The questions raised during the modelling exercise were a mixture of those concerned with furthering the knowledge of the analysts in relation to the facts about present procedures and responsibilities , and those concerned with whether or not the systemically desirable activities were being undertaken , by whom , and with what level of effectiveness .
22 Cross-relating each activity from the model to the existing functions indicated that a number of these could remain virtually unchanged , in particular those concerned with organising academic resources and delivering courses .
23 Similarly , many of the activities could be grouped under a generic support services heading , ie those concerned with organising indirect services such as finance , personnel and general administration etc .
24 The system model , although not intended to reflect ideal functional groupings , also indicated that a sub-division of activities to those directly concerned with course delivery ( ie the operational functions ) , and those concerned with non-teaching tasks ( ie the support functions ) , was appropriate to align systemically-related activities .
25 In particular , the new demand is likely to be for those concerned with software .
26 We hope that those to whom this report is addressed — educationalists , parents , and those concerned with the provision of resources centrally and locally [ but not real teachers ? ] — will consider how far the standards of performance revealed , are acceptable …
27 We hope that those to whom this report is addressed — educationalists , parents , and those concerned with the provision of resources centrally and locally [ but not real teachers ? ] — will consider how far the standards of performance revealed , are acceptable …
28 A time-scale should be set for the achievement of each of the steps identified , accompanied by a system of monitoring which is independent of those concerned with accomplishing the aim .
29 Many other people have rights , including those concerned with fishing , and in my native Scotland the value of fishing has a significant part to play in the local economy , particulary in remote areas .
30 What at first would appear to be an ideal set of models for those concerned with supporting children 's reading is soon seen as being too ‘ pat ’ — too set in a particular culture and in a particular moment of time .
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