Example sentences of "such force [that] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ Agon ’ having demonstrated with such force that the core of the rite is not glorious but hideous , there is no point in continuing with the play .
2 Similar motives prompted the FA to ban an Arsenal player , Paul Davis , for nine matches last season after a TV news camera had spotted him punching Glenn Cockerill behind the referee 's back with such force that the Southampton player 's jaw was broken .
3 Seth flew forty miles an hour face first into the piling with such force that he uprooted the eight telephone poles .
4 Barking ferociously , the big Great Dane rushed from the rear of the house , skidded around the corner and hurled herself at the gate with such force that it creaked under the impact .
5 It connected with such force that it cut Mr Major 's right cheek , splattered his glasses and dribbled down his dark blue suit .
6 The young woman lay across the floor of her spotless kitchen , her skull smashed with such force that the brain was exposed .
7 ‘ So the dagger , or whatever , was stuck in with such force that the guard caused these bruises .
8 As a result of nail sickness , the heavy Westmorland slates were regularly coming loose and crashing down with such force that they sliced through the lead gutters below .
9 Talk turns to the night before when we were woken as the convoy hit a sandbank with such force that the steel cables holding it together were torn loose .
10 The ladle hit the stew with such force that the liquid splashed onto the white tablecloth , and , almost stuttering now , Alice cried , ‘ What a thing to say !
11 She shot forward with such force that , lacking stirrups to support me , I slid off sideways .
12 Although Jack was taller , Ho hit him with such force that soon Jack fell away from him and he sprang out .
13 gear with my forehead with such force that my goggles , which I was wearing luckily , were shattered and my face badly bruised and bleeding profusely .
14 So angry was he with her that he flung a handful of the stars after her , and they fell to earth with such force that they formed a row of waterholes across the country .
15 As he fell , John Taylor , 48 , banged his head with such force that the noise was heard by people further along the street .
16 Modernity understood as the modern world in crisis has now hit us with such force that writers of many different political persuasions are addressing the issue ( cf.
17 Radical sects like the Quakers , the Shakers and the Methodists all encouraged the faithful to feel the divine in tangible forms ; some Pentecostal sects would speak in tongues , hear voices or experience powerful feelings which came upon them with such force that they were believed to come from God .
18 I knew that if the handle moved faster it would sound better , so I really exerted every ounce of my miserable muscle power and the handle jerked forward with such force that I was lifted clean off the ground .
19 The auburn-haired equestrienne delivered herself of a pithy speech , gave the young man , now scarlet beneath his whiskers , no chance to reply , put out a hand and thrust him physically aside with such force that he staggered back and bounced off the door of Woolworth 's behind him , and strode on .
20 Then they were both laughing , and the little woman , coming up and slapping Joe between the shoulders with such force that he coughed , said , ‘ Do n't look as if you are bein' confronted by a whale .
21 As peregrines have been known to dive at a speed of 180 miles an hour , they hit their prey with such force that they often break its neck , and sometimes even break the head clean off .
22 ‘ And in this case , ’ said Dr Barton , ‘ you struck a man with such force that he was killed . ’
23 This time it caught Millie across the wrist , and when she reacted by rising from her seat in an effort to leave the room , she found herself thrust back with such force that her head bobbed on her shoulders .
24 In the World Cup quarter-final Skinner hit Cecillon with such force that the echo has barely died down around the Parc des Princes six months later .
25 The defendant struck with the knife into her throat on the left-hand side just near the jugular vein , with such force that it severed the spinal cord , causing almost instant paralysis .
26 The man 's face had turned black , his eyes were bulging , and at last he crashed to the ground , with such force that he almost shook Fleury off … but Fleury remained dragging on the violin until he was certain the sepoy was dead .
27 He brought his talons and beak down on the bars with such force that the very Cages themselves shook with the power of it .
28 His skill at hunting living prey increased each day until he could stoop on a hare from half a mile away , judging its path and speeding his attack so that he hit it with such force that it was dead before his talons fully closed on it .
29 When he released her it was with such force that she almost fell to the floor .
30 And then something was coughed out of that blackened spot with a sound like liquid choking ; coughed out from a hole where there was no hole , with such force that the jumbled shape landed with a slap on the corridor floor , five feet from the wall .
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