Example sentences of "should [vb infin] kept " in BNC.

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1 Should 've kept my gloves on , what ? ’
2 They should have kept that up — the Castle , Bolfracks , Ballechin , Kenmore , Fortingall …
3 But Knox , who was the most brilliant orator of his generation at Oxford — star of the Union , wit , punster in tongues ancient and modern — had left Oxford before the end of the First World War to become a Roman Catholic , and after his return there as chaplain to the Catholics , it was perhaps understandable that he should have kept a low profile .
4 I told her Barry should have kept him in , and she said if I started criticizing him , she 'd get Don to the phone . ’
5 I should have kept my mouth shut because he manoeuvred his machine until it was touching my midriff .
6 I should have kept cool .
7 When I explained , he said , ‘ You should have kept the money .
8 You should have kept her i' the family .
9 I should have kept my silence , for the only purpose my words served was to demonstrate my disbelief in Billingsley 's outrageous explanation .
10 ‘ But I possibly should have kept hold of Edward Sheringham . ’
11 So , in theory , all should have kept in the same condition as when first stored .
12 In retrospect Steve feels they should have kept going , since the easiest way down was over the summit and onto the North-West Ridge .
13 ‘ If you did n't want me to hit you , you should have kept your mouth shut . ’
14 What he produced was a volume for which he really should have kept his title The Conduct of the Kitchen — a title borrowed incidentally from Meredith — because that was just what the book of menus was about : the logical and orderly conduct of a kitchen as related to daily life and seen not through the medium of a few isolated menus for special occasions , but as part of the natural order of everyday living .
15 My father said Eden should have kept the troops in Suez and only the British had moral integrity .
16 The fact of it was , Amanda should never have brought him in here at all ; she should have kept him in Reception , as per company policy .
17 I should have kept quiet and remained as the focus of disapproval .
18 Here they were , chasing after him when caution should have kept them away .
19 I think that parson who discovered you were a d'Urberville should have kept quiet .
20 If he wanted a real , one hundred per cent unprejudiced check he should have kept quiet .
21 I should have kept my temper , she thought frantically ; I should never have tried to push him into the stream in the first place .
22 Feeling as she did , and knowing he was committed elsewhere , she should have kept her distance .
23 On Sept. 6 the military authorities in Myanma arrested two high-ranking members of the opposition National League for Democracy ( NLD ) , acting chair Kyi Maung and Chit Khaing , on charges of " passing state evidence that they should have kept to themselves to an unconcerned person " .
24 The interviewer , who should have kept her mouth shut , interrupted to ask whether or not Hyacinth had been with him at the Young Conservatives ' Ball .
25 And I should have kept it to myself .
26 You should have kept your biting friend on a shorter leash . ’
27 We should have kept Rocky and left out Strach …
28 ‘ I should have kept a short rope on you and then you would never have escaped me . ’
29 ‘ If you did n't want to be part of my ‘ performance ’ , ’ she said sharply , ‘ you should have kept out of it . ’
30 He should have kept the letter .
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