Example sentences of "may result [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , capital movements may result as a by-product of companies transferring technology and know-how .
2 When this happens , extremely heavy rainfall may result along the desert coast of Peru .
3 ‘ If it is not replaced by another source of sand and gravel , various difficulties may result for Aberystwyth , including the possibility of increased costs for the construction industry and house purchasers , ’ said Mr Bown .
4 This fuller appreciation may result from a short or a long article , even occasionally some unexpected insight or well-phrased judgement ; but it will not come from a brief comment off the cuff , an item of gossip , or a mere listing .
5 A paper-thin shell of sound wood is left on the surface of the infected timber which shows deep cracks along the grain but rarely across it as may result from dry rot .
6 Although clay minerals are generally too fine-grained to be reliably identified , features such as clay pellets and parallel alignment of the platy clay particles , which may result from forming processes such as wheel-throwing , can be recognised .
7 One problem here is that the two most serious offences include violence against property , so that conviction may result from threats against a person 's property .
8 Evidence shows more deaths may result from the improper use of ATVs .
9 The low birthweight may be caused by external factors , such as smoking during pregnancy ; premature babies , which may result from insufficient standards of antenatal care , will be highly prone to early infection .
10 Recently there has been speculation that the generally disappointing effects of hypotensive drug therapy in mildly hypertensive subjects may result from the deleterious metabolic side-effects of the agents themselves Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial Research Group ( 1982 ) .
11 Invasion of tissue by pathogens may result from the bite of an animal or insect , e.g. rabies is caused by the bite of an infected dog ; Marburg disease by the bite of a green monkey ; and malaria is caused by the bite of a mosquito .
12 It may result from inconveniently timed appointments or travel difficulties ; or it may be because the patient lacks clear understanding of what will happen if he does attend .
13 Because of this , and because there are rare human disorders in which self-mutilation may be a feature ( e.g. Lesch-Nyhan , deLange , and Tourette 's syndromes ) , and which may result from neurotransmitter changes , it is possible that neurotransmitter disturbances may contribute to self-cutting .
14 The A grade in computing which may result from the obsession is regarded as more than adequate compensation for the dismal Cs in all other subjects .
15 Jack Cowan , working at the California Institute of Technology , Pasadena , California , thinks that at least part of the hallucinogenic experience may result from an instability of neural activity in the visual cortex .
16 The high number of ichneumonid species , none of them common , may result from the patchiness of the garden habitat , as each exploits a different niche .
17 These highly restricted distribution patterns may result from unusual patterns of behaviour or even physiological differences between males and females that somehow affect the growth of these fungi ; but the precise mechanisms behind this extreme specificity remain unclear .
18 Stress may result from a sudden dramatic turn of affairs or a so-called ‘ life-event ’ , but it is more often largely the result of long-term overwork or anxiety .
19 Depression may result from an upbringing which induced feelings of insecurity , inadequacy or false guilt which have dogged the young adult 's steps until they finally come to a head during the crisis of midlife .
20 That is the law , but it is a fact that , at a blood alcohol level as low as 30mg/100ml , which may result from drinking just 1 pint of beer or two small sherries , many people 's judgements and reaction speeds are impaired .
21 There are two possible benefits which may result from a moderate rate of inflation or from learning to live with the prevailing rate of inflation rather than adopting policies to reduce it .
22 A similar isolation of national markets may result from the abusive and predatory practices of businesses which by virtue of their market share and technical and financial resources enjoy dominant positions on their national markets .
23 It is not too strong to say that it is impossible to test Marx 's thesis regarding the labour theory of value at a micro-economic level because Marx and Marxists have totally disregarded any element of profit which may result from risk-taking .
24 If retirement does not inevitably involve economic dependency , then it is easy to see how retirement may result from a positive choice by those people who believe they will not suffer any substantially reduced ability to consume .
25 The study involved the writing down of English glosses for the signs , and the fact that deaf people had poorer recall overall may result from this cross-modal task .
26 Lukes argued that power is not always about making decisions or taking actions but may result from the way in which ‘ the system works ’ .
27 Firstly , it is widely accepted , though admittedly not conclusively established , that major ice ages may result from the siting of large continental masses in the polar regions , because only in such circumstances can extensive ice sheets become established , with significant consequences for world climate ( Frakes , 1979 ) .
28 To quote Bentham , ‘ The liberty of the press has its inconveniences , but the evil which may result from it is not to be compared to the evil of censorship ’ .
29 Also vulnerable are families under great stress , which may result from financial difficulties , marital discord , social isolation , or poor health .
30 The authors recognise the many methodological problems in studying disabilities that may result from hearing impairment .
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