Example sentences of "her [coord] give " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Lisa was in constant agony , but I could n't even comfort her or give her a cuddle because of the plaster . ’
2 She nearly always does go to bed with me , if I shout at her a lot or threaten her or give her enough money .
3 I get this real strong urge to stand behind her and put my arms round her and give her a hug , but I do n't move .
4 How you do this will depend upon your own personality and your relationship with her , but however it is done , the message she will be hoping to receive through your words and actions will be that you care , you sympathise , and that you are going to stand by her and give her all the help and comfort you can in the months that lie ahead .
5 If she had n't been Mrs Arbuthnot , he 'd have told anyone else to stop spoiling her and give her work to do around the house .
6 Safer to close his eyes and his mind to her and give his entire concentration to the matter in hand ; a resolution to which he firmly held , even when , after a tumultuous welcome at Brighouse — the nearest railway station to Frizingley — he was escorted , with an appropriate accompaniment of banners and Chartist hymns , to a lodging-house at the top of St Jude 's street where the landlady , Mrs Sairellen Thackray , had offered to accommodate him free of charge .
7 She can contact the hospital or the Social Services where who 've agreed to er to talk to her and give her all the advice and comfort that she needs .
8 This provided for arrangements to secure ransom money if necessary , to pool any gains of war and invest them profitably , and , if one left a widow , to make some provision for her and give some protection for surviving children .
9 ‘ This should help her but give it as sparingly as possible at first , ’ he said .
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