Example sentences of "because it gave " in BNC.

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1 Even so , it was the first successful attempt in this genre because it gave its performers an opportunity to reveal their talents as actor-dancers .
2 Broad money was dropped as a target because it gave completely misleading signals during the 1979-81 recession .
3 The cold was intense , but I welcomed it because it gave us an excuse to lie close together for warmth .
4 Only , she supposed , because it gave evidence of spirit and life — he had not wanted to hear his wife was prostrate with shock .
5 The first is worth mentioning only because it gave him his debut in a major studio , for a United Artists production of Studs Lonigan , one more Dean-like character taken from a successful trilogy of novels by James T. Farrell .
6 I chose the example I did because it gave an important history of another library , Glasgow , and because it had also belonged at one time to the Guildhall Library , which had passed it on to them .
7 Despite some significant developments by BBC and Marconi engineers , the system still did not give better quality than 78rpm discs ; it only succeeded because it gave longer running-time , and it had lower running-costs because the tape could be magnetically erased and reused .
8 ‘ We dropped the name ( and image ) because it gave the wrong impression by sounding like an extension of an army camp , ’ says a Raleigh International spokeswoman .
9 Hank came in and did a lot of recordings , which I was glad of because it gave me some relief .
10 They joined in our events for young women , and devoured our publications , because it gave them the springboard for taking action themselves .
11 ‘ It 's funny you should say that , ’ said Miss Mack 's Solicitor , from a resumed recumbent position , rather dreading his appearance as No. 11 in boots too small for him , ‘ because an uncle by marriage of mine took me once to tea with some cousin of his who had been a county cricketer and this county chap said middle and leg was best because it gave you room to cut . ’
12 The Act was welcomed by many old people because it gave them a regular income free from the taint of poor relief ; though many , rightly , criticized it for giving ‘ too little too late in life ’ , that little was more than had been given before .
13 She was thankful for that , because it gave her time to think carefully about the extraordinary situation which had so unexpectedly arisen .
14 In the overhaul of government that accompanied the War of the Spanish Succession the servants of Philip V rejected the system of the Great Councils , less because it gave the grandees too much political power than because it was incurably inefficient and incapable of organizing the monarchy for the defence of the French dynasty .
15 The decision of the House of Lords in R v. Greater London Council ex parte Bromley London Borough Council ( 1981 ) , confirming that of the Court of Appeal , has been widely regarded as a political decision , no doubt because it gave a ruling in an acutely political controversy .
16 It was really the misleading start to her whole punishingly misled life , because it gave her an idea of herself that she was absolutely unequipped to realize .
17 She was always quiet , which I liked because it gave me a chance to talk without interruption .
18 She knew her limitations better than she knew her worth , and she taught in a private school because it gave her a little more latitude to come and go as she wished — an important point , since she cared for an old mother whom eighty years had made exacting .
19 Closing his eyes was n't much better , because it gave his imagination full rein .
20 It was something that gave me a framework for my experience , and in some ways kind of saved my life really because it gave me words to see that I was n't isolated , that there was a movement — it was very real and it was very gut .
21 I played outside , running around in a pair of shorts and — I imagine-quite happy to have the whole pregnancy thing going on because it gave me more freedom to do as I liked about the house and garden , free from my father 's supervision .
22 The Aldershot principally because it gave a structure to what I had to say at least went up there fairly confident of what I had .
23 The delivery because it gave me what I had to think about when I was up there language body language and then the playbacks I could look at the two things that Mike just highlighted as one and two .
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