Example sentences of "just [be] published " in BNC.

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1 Her latest book The Truth about Lorin Jones ( Abacus , £3.99 ) has just been published in paperback .
2 A new document concerning the future of open spaces in London has just been published .
3 He is Richard Holmes , biographer also of Shelley , whose Coleridge : Early Visions has just been published by Hodder and Stoughton ( £16.95 ) .
4 Ian Richards ' book , How to Use a Computer to Improve Your Business , has just been published by Graham & Trotman ( £8.95 paperback ; £16 hardback ) .
5 Her eleventh novel , Gwendolen , has just been published and she says that for the first time she is writing for her soul .
6 A survey * of studies of costs has just been published by the OECD 's general economics division ( which shows how mainstream economists are being drawn into what was once a green ghetto ) .
7 Research in assessment IX has just been published by the Assessment Group of the Education Division .
8 The people least likely to be able to find £24–95 to buy the first set of reports on science teaching from the Assessment Performance Unit ( APU ) of the Department of Education and science * , the latest volume of which has just been published .
9 The people least likely to be able to find £24–95 to buy the first set of reports on science teaching from the Assessment Performance Unit ( APU ) of the Department of Education and science * , the latest volume of which has just been published .
10 The second issue of the newspaper Catholic Woman , has just been published .
11 But the single most important result of the visit was to bring Wolfgang into contact with the music of Joseph Haydn , whose latest set of string quartets , Op. 20 , had just been published .
12 Many standards related to document processing have just been published or are currently going through the later stages of the ISO process on their way to becoming official standards .
13 THE gardening death toll for this summer has just been published .
14 Many of the dozens of books that have just been published in the Autumn list were meant to take advantage of the surge of interest caused by the World Cup ; but a few will simply be killed by the rush , lost for ever .
15 Priced at a chunky £2,600 per copy ( £3,800 from April ) , a new facsimile edition of a Biblia pauperum in the British Library ( Kings MS5 ) , has just been published .
16 This was the journal Jewry Ueber Alles which had just been published in February 1920 , and had altered its name to The Hidden Hand in September 1920 and to the British Guardian in May 1924 .
17 Long-awaited consultation from the Scottish Office on the inspection of social work services has just been published this week .
18 Papers delivered by Edward Fry , Theodore Reff , Mark Roskill and other experts at that exhibition 's symposium have just been published by the museum .
19 i The second edition of ‘ UK Smoking Statistics ’ has just been published .
20 A new book by Dr. A. A. Becker of Mechanical Engineering has just been published by McGraw-Hill Book Company .
21 Gilbert 's latest novel , The Death of the Author , has also just been published .
22 A book of Madame Yevonde 's pioneering work has just been published , price £14.95 , and the exhibition runs at the National Portrait Gallery until September 30th .
23 A book of the same name has just been published by Pluto Press , and the exhibition will run until September 16th .
24 Her first book Lamb , Leeks and Laverbread explored the delights of Welsh food , and it had just been published when her husband , a British army officer , was offered a two-year posting in Cyprus .
25 His contemporary Gregory Corso 's first book The Vestal Lady On Brattle had just been published .
26 A recent survey of 50 management experts who 's conclusions have just been published in a new Women in Management report .
27 The first two books produced by the new partnership of WWF with IIED and Earthscan Publications , dealing with major environmental questions , have just been published .
28 Er it 's now in this latest manual that 's just been published , is saying twenty five percent and clearly er the road achieves that so there is significant benefit as a result er in in that measure of of noise .
29 New guidelines on the dangers of moving nuclear weapons by road have just been published but anti-nuclear campaigners believe the danger is greater than has been officially admitted .
30 His graphic story has just been published in the Darlington Postgraduate Journal , edited by doctors at Darlington Memorial Hospital where he was treated after his second stroke .
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