Example sentences of "your brother [unc] " in BNC.

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1 I think your brother wa he was slightly worried about the amount he could take in his car .
2 The voice of your brother 's blood is crying to me from the ground .
3 ‘ And now you are cursed from the ground which has opened its mouth to receive your brother 's blood from your hand .
4 The king your brother 's life could well depend on your continuing safety . ’
5 Separated , as long as you are alive and your brother 's heir , there would be no point in our enemies destroying Edward .
6 ‘ Pray tell me of the king your brother 's plan , my lord , ’ she said softly .
7 Did your brother 's music wake you earlier ? ’
8 It is your duty to step into your brother 's shoes .
9 " Please , for your brother 's sake if not for mine , do n't tell on me !
10 ‘ I was not present in your brother 's dreams , mortal .
11 Your brother 's death means I can .
12 Then he said : ‘ If the letters ca n't be recovered , your brother 's defence collapses even before it 's been assembled , does n't it ? ’
13 ‘ Because you blame — or blamed — Maurice Abberley for your brother 's arrest .
14 ‘ Just to satisfy the curiosity of your brother 's mistress ?
15 ‘ Well , we heard about your brother 's death through Emerson 's British publisher .
16 ‘ Because they should persuade the police of your brother 's innocence .
17 But it 's your brother 's reputation that will pay the price . ’
18 ‘ Are you your brother 's keeper ? ’
19 ‘ Very little point in your brother 's and my ‘ getting together ’ , Anneliese , ’ Caroline heard herself laugh flippantly , rigid with embarrassment at the other girl 's blunt attempts at matchmaking , ‘ since I 'm flying back to London tomorrow ! ’
20 ‘ So there is no need for you to concern yourself on your brother 's behalf . ’
21 ‘ Everyone who had a possible interest in your brother 's death must expect to be thoroughly investigated . ’
22 ‘ I understand that it was you who found your brother 's body ? ’
23 There was something about the woman which brought out the official streak in Wycliffe and with it the pompous , well-rounded phrases : ‘ I 'm afraid that we shall have to look into your brother 's affairs and into his relationships both inside and outside the family .
24 ‘ When you went to your brother 's office this morning was there a cat in the room ? ’
25 ‘ I shall be grateful if you will show me your brother 's room . ’
26 ‘ Did you enter the house through the kitchen door or through your brother 's office and the shop ? ’
27 He was in the act of locking the bureau flap when he said : ‘ Miss Glynn , what made you go into your brother 's office this morning when you came down , as you say , to make yourself a cup of tea ? ’
28 ‘ It was daylight at the time and the curtains in your brother 's office were drawn . ’
29 It would appear , Sir Richard , that you lusted after your brother 's wife as well as his riches ; that while he was alive you committed adultery with her and , with each other , you plotted together to carry out his murder and lay the blame on Brampton . ’
30 ‘ And , Sir Richard , ’ Cranston continued , ‘ you have now been through all the memoranda , documents , household books and accounts in your brother 's possession .
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