Example sentences of "other times it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You can be perfectly well with HIV but at other times it 's hard to do even basic things .
2 Sometimes he is oblivious to the sound of aircraft ; other times it panics him .
3 Marx envisages moments when the social system will accord with the technological system ; but at other times it will enter into contradiction with it , leading to revolutionary changes .
4 ‘ Sometimes it works fine but other times it 's a complete mess , ’ said McNamee .
5 The SSC is sometimes keen to be seen as a laboratory for the world , though at other times it remains America 's bid for leadership .
6 Other times it was about Gina .
7 At other times it has been possible for an individual to bring foreign coins or bullion to the mint and receive it back as coinage ( minus a fee ) .
8 In the image the tribe acts as a unit only when people need it , and at all other times it is only a possibility , a concept in their minds .
9 Sometimes it felt close by and at other times it was only a distant echo .
10 Sometimes the wind swings steadily round over a period of time , and at other times it blows steadily in a curve .
11 At other times it is suddenly exciting , as a new discovery is made or a sensitive teacher initiates a new game just as the last activity begins to pall .
12 Sometimes this is done quite deliberately — he refuses to think about the event at all — while at other times it is his subconscious mind which ensures that he is no longer troubled by it .
13 ‘ Sometimes his painting is large and passionate and other times it is more pretty , it depends how he feels .
14 Other times it can be weeks .
15 Sometimes the winding-sheet was pinned , at other times it was sewn along the centre ; the artist of the c.1435 Heures de Neville , also in the Bibliothèque Nationale , Paris , shows two corpses with centre-sewn winding-sheets in a larger illumination of monks reading in a bone-yard .
16 Sometimes it just rushed round things ; other times it flattened all in its path then picked up the debris and flung it away .
17 At other times it has been treated with apathy .
18 At other times it may be by anointing the sick person with oil .
19 Sometimes the face of the Sun is covered in sunspots ; other times it is almost naked of them .
20 Other times it 's dark , intense , epic : ‘ The perpetual parasite of my mind .
21 Other times it can indicate a lack of understanding and acceptance of this important spiritual principle .
22 At other times it is more effective to ignore history and etymology in order to make a feminist point .
23 On certain occasions we got it right , but at other times it was a joke .
24 The formal discipline can sometimes tidy up muddled thinking but at other times it can interfere with the creatively developing interaction between trainer and trainee .
25 At other times it may be beneficial to withdraw children with special needs individually or in groups for concentrated attention on an aspect of learning which has been diagnosed as necessary .
26 Sometimes Althusser seems to imply that different histories may range through different modes of production , at other times it appears that they are specific to each , an effect of the overdetermination of the social formation .
27 Sometimes the object of the panic is quite novel and at other times it is something which has been in existence long enough , but suddenly appears in the limelight .
28 Sometimes the panic passes over and is forgotten , except in folklore and collective memory ; at other times it has more serious and long-lasting repercussions and might produce such changes as those in legal and social policy or even in the way that society conceives itself ( S. Cohen , 1972 ) .
29 At other times it may be barely admitted to consciousness , if whatever it was is seen as threatening to the self .
30 Sometimes the panic is passed over and forgotten , but at other times it has more serious and long term repercussions and it might produce changes in legal and social policy or even in the way in which societies conceive themselves .
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