Example sentences of "people whose [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The emancipation of the serfs had been drawn up at a time when most of the tsar 's principal advisers belonged to the age of Nicholas I. Within a year of the promulgation of the statutes , most of the chief posts in the empire were held by people whose sympathy with the new social order was greater than that of the emancipators .
2 They are … the people whose position and activities enable them to fuse and mediate both neighbourhood involvement and social services care …
3 Perhaps , together , these totems could banish the modern-day spectres of inflation and spending cuts ; of strike action that endangered hospital patients or people whose houses were on fire ; of lying politicians and rampaging football hooligans ; of the seemingly irreversible rise in unemployment , and the terrible inner-city disturbances of the summer of 1981 , from which the country was still reeling , and which had brought a suddenly sinister resonance to otherwise neighbourly sounding places .
4 ‘ In this new environment business requires many more highly qualified people whose skills and abilities play a major part in determining competitive advantage . ’
5 There has also been criticism of members of my family for behaviour which was judged to be unseemly for people whose responsibility is to set a good example .
6 There are many informal groups of older people whose purpose is to meet these very needs , groups organized by residential and day-care units , luncheon clubs , church-based groups , social clubs and many others .
7 For those people whose ego ideal has ruled them with especial strictness , the group situation can appear particularly attractive .
8 Although I do n't want to work with people whose music I ca n't stand and people who are assholes . ’
9 Now she is considered seriously under threat from people whose views of women would , under other circumstances , be treated as unworthy of respect .
10 They are also talking to managers , union officials , local government officers , estate agents and similar people whose views and knowledge are relevant .
11 It is especially important with regard to those people whose views are very different from one 's own .
12 There will be no wavering from the course of reform , there will be no more compromises with people whose views are beyond the pale .
13 Support was evident from small business people whose firms were bankrupt , housewives who found themselves queuing for the basic necessities and civil servants and skilled workers whose salaries had fallen in real terms as a result of the inflation .
14 Sarsby , ( 1984 : 130–1 ) echoing Cheater , points out that ‘ anthropologists have tended to study people whose values and life-styles are different , even in their own society … [ seeking ] the unfamiliar at home as well as abroad ’ .
15 If the emphasis is on people whose holiday activities are more or less self-explanatory , a main title ( which can be pre-recorded onto the beginning of the tape or superimposed live over the opening shot by your camcorder 's titling facility ) may be all that is required to set the scene .
16 I guess I 've been lucky in finding people whose playing I love and who I do n't have to tell what to do . ’
17 I have had the great privilege to know some very talented young people whose dreams did come true .
18 I cried desperately for recognition at people whose identities I had confused .
19 People whose disabilities begin with severe illness or injury find themselves in medical hands whether they like it or not .
20 The pamphlet could be seen as nought but a placebo for people whose intelligence is being seriously under-rated .
21 Babies were not the only people whose rights were being demanded at the end of the Second World War ; other groups , too , submerged in anonymous poverty through years of unemployment , had in wartime received for the first time their fair share both of work and of food , and were now making it clear that neither malnutrition nor the grinding degradation of worklessness could any longer be tolerated by the ‘ lower classes ’ of the victorious nations .
22 In those circumstances , does he really think that a dying Parliament , a week after the Maastricht summit , should empower a lame-duck Prime Minister to use the royal prerogative to sign that treaty without any consultation with the British people whose rights will be affected far more than this Parliament ?
23 The other group of people whose space and autonomy we routinely violate in this way are children .
24 I am one of those people whose money burns a hole in the pocket whenever anything promising arrives on the market .
25 It is being paid by people whose money , as of 1 July , has been halved in value .
26 Well over half of those killed are young children or elderly people who are overcome by smoke and fumes while they sleep at night — people whose chances of survival would be drastically improved if only they were able to reach safety in time .
27 When she told us about this visit , she hoped it would be centred around a seminar , funded by the Romanian government , at which tutors would be trained to teach machine knitting to young people whose chances of employment near their own homes were otherwise remote .
28 This is reported for people whose origins lie in quite different parts of the world , for example , Poland , Montserrat and Pakistan ( Patterson , 1977 ; Philpott , 1977 ; Anwar , 1985 ) .
29 He was just one of those people whose presence projected authority , perhaps .
30 There are many lesser examples around , of people whose influence upon policy making owes nothing either to any notion of representative government or to the cruder theories about pressure-group activity
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