Example sentences of "also cause [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The dichotic nature of the tasks when performed with shadowing may also cause slight reductions in both visual fields for both tasks .
2 Substitute foods can also cause other difficulties , a good example again being the surgeonfish which are principally herbivores but will greedily accept meaty foods , even though they have real difficulties in digesting heavy proteins and essentially require plenty of plant material to remain healthy .
3 Protracted illness can force hair into telogen en masse , and stress can also cause temporary shedding .
4 When warm moist air finds its way into these cold areas , it condenses to form water droplets which soak the insulation , making it useless , and which can also cause serious outbreaks of rot in the roof timbers .
5 This will greatly reduce the risk of condensation , which can saturate the insulation , rendering it useless , and can also cause serious rot in the roof timbers .
6 In the brain , HIV may be a direct cause of meningitis with headache and fever ; it can also cause progressive impairment of thinking , learning and memory which is known as ‘ AIDS encephalopathy ’ , ‘ AIDS encephalitis ’ or ‘ AIDS dementia ’ .
7 This effectively reduces the file packing , and may also cause fixed lengths to become variable in length .
8 Compulsive enforced vomiting may also cause acute disturbance of body fluid balance which may require treatment in a hospital or specialist addiction unit — The regurgitated acid from the stomach erodes the enamel of teeth and results in severe dental problems .
9 The factors that cause stress can also cause clinical depression and , surprisingly perhaps , as with stress , changes in life which are happy and positive may bring on depression as well as those associated with sadness and loss .
10 Career advancement ( e.g. promotion to head office ) causes drift to the capital city but can also cause urban to suburban movement .
11 Heavy alcohol consumption may also cause gastric metaplasia in humans and a similar phenomenon may occur in Crohn 's disease anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract .
12 The latest interest rate rise will also cause some genuine anger at next week 's Conservative Party conference in Blackpool , since it hits both mortgage-holders and entrepreneurs .
13 Both of these mechanisms may destroy the chemoattractant but will also cause unavoidable non-specific damage in the immediate vicinity of the neutrophil .
14 Sludge can also cause cold spots along he bottom of the radiator without completely blocking the flow .
15 It can also cause cold spots along the bottom of the radiator , without completely blocking the flow .
16 If they find their way into food operations and are used to remove dirt from aluminium surfaces they will not only be ineffective but may also cause considerable damage to the finish .
17 As people become older , the experience of the death of close relatives and friends occurs more frequently ; multiple losses of different sorts , with accompanying periods of bereavement can also cause considerable sadness and sometimes depression .
18 They can also cause big problems for coastal fisheries , aquaculture operations and the tourist industry .
19 Codeine phosphates , which can be administered to spontaneously breathing infants , may also cause respiratory depression , although it is a much safer choice in this group of infants : Purcell-Jones et al ( 1987 ) found that only two out of 28 babies receiving codeine were affected in this way .
20 The mixing of saturated waters with different equilibrium solubility concentrations can also cause further decomposition of calcite ( Fig. 6.8 ) .
21 Intense , narrowly-focussed beams may also cause local heating to the point of incandescence , particularly with micas , which flare and collapse .
22 Coral gravel can also cause this , as it is sharp .
23 Residues in meat may also cause allergic reactions in sensitive people .
24 Particles from diesel exhausts may also cause allergic reactions in their own right .
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