Example sentences of "also asked [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He is also asked to confirm that neither he nor his family will cause assets to be removed from the trusts .
2 During the interview , mothers and fathers were also asked to confirm their own names and dates of birth and about their own health and habits .
3 The researchers met the social workers at the start of the study , and after each completion of the schedules , when they were also asked to fill in a brief checklist .
4 Students are also asked to analyse and evaluate the progress they have made towards their set target , identifying the learning they have gained and expressing their feelings and reactions to the experience .
5 They were also asked to record the time at which hunger returned .
6 Other colleagues working in schools or adult training centres from our authority were also asked to participate , as together we had previously set up a voluntary curriculum development group to look at authority-wide provision for young people and adults with severe learning difficulties .
7 Individuals were also asked to assess the severity of a task at different times during the 24 hours .
8 The alternative is subjectively to rank all-comers : so participants were also asked to assess British companies in any industry , not just their own , by the same eight criteria — a question not asked in 1989 .
9 Teachers were also asked to assess the extent to which these concepts or skills contributed to the HMI eight areas of experience and their degree of relevance to pupils in terms of getting a job ; personal development ; subject development ; leisure , and so forth .
10 They were also asked to assess ‘ home environment and attitude ’ in thirty-one authorities , ‘ sociability ’ and ‘ conduct and moral character ’ in twelve , co-operation in eleven , and in one each imagination , personal habits and personal appearance .
11 Louis Gerstner received a lesson on Friday on just how tough it will be to lead IBM Corp in the midst of its economic woes , as he was showered with difficult questions about his qualifications to lead a computer company , Dow Jones & Co reports : Gerstner was also asked to explain why he left RJR to lead IBM — ‘ I thought this was an extraordinary opportunity , ’ he said , and asked if he felt he had completed his job at RJR , Gerstner responded ‘ I do n't think the job is ever finished as chief of a large company . ’
12 Authors were also asked to evaluate critically the state of geographic information provision in terms of the needs of users and to consider the impact of user requirements on the development of geographic information handling methodology .
13 As a cross-check , they were also asked to give their initials and date of birth which , together with their sex , provided an identity code .
14 Teachers were also asked to give their names so that non-respondents could be followed up .
15 It is therefore suggested that students are also asked to give examples of relevant and irrelevant costs associated with these concepts .
16 They were also asked to describe the major characteristics of the groups in which they had found themselves at each point in their time on the terraces .
17 Credit buyers were also asked to rate their satisfaction with the credit arrangement they had used on a five-point scale ( see Table 24 of Appendix I ) .
18 When men are asked what they think that women are looking for , the picture becomes very intriguing — particularly when they are also asked to rate themselves on these attributes ( see table , right ) .
19 In the same experiment , observers were also asked to estimate the perceived separation ( size ) between the peaks of the corrugations .
20 Heads of Department and staff were also asked to use the International Reading Association check list in relation to the most popular texts so that their responses could subsequently be checked with mine ( see appendix 2 for check list and annotation ) .
21 The reader is also asked to bear in mind that the strategic perspective covered is as described in chapter 4 .
22 Governing bodies are also asked to consider their follow up actions in the event of an adverse finding being returned .
23 Anyone who may have seen this vehicle since May 11 is also asked to contact them .
24 To set this in motion , the clerk was also asked to write to the Chief Constable of the Northern Constabulary , Hugh MacMillan , and the Chief Executive of Orkney Islands Council , Ron Gilbert .
25 They were also asked to write about ‘ John ’ finding himself at the top of his medical school .
26 The NFER was also asked to review current assessments of lower attainers in order to update the information on schemes recorded in the Cockcroft Report ( paras 541–544 ) .
27 The Chief Constable was also asked to launch a major operation in Wirral to crack down on suppliers .
28 They were also asked to think about how they would ensure that their pupils understood the new forms and used them appropriately .
29 You are also asked to keep your church leaders informed of your involvement so that they can ensure you are adequately supported .
30 She was also asked to keep a diary of her week , monitoring the extent of her sense of achievement and pleasure in the various situations she was in .
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