Example sentences of "also shown [art] " in BNC.

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1 During this time they were also shown a reel of commercials for different brands , including one for Tetley round bags .
2 Thomas Pynchon has also shown a consistent fondness for slapstick effects in his novels , drawn partly from comic cinema .
3 Research on crime in Europe before around 1850 has also shown a direct relationship between economic conditions , especially the price of grain , and crime , especially theft .
4 Apart from the astonishing technological feat of compressing the required CD-I hardware into a self-contained , palmtop device , Sony have also shown a strong grasp of the popular appeal of portable and personal information systems .
5 The fact that no powerfully theoretical recreation geography has emerged , however , should not be seen as a defeat for the subject , for the empirical work that has been produced has not only been very useful in its own right , but has also shown a significant mismatch between leisure aspirations and recreational resources .
6 He had also shown a gift for learning languages , first in India , and when in August 1951 he returned to the BBC , it was to join its monitoring service at Caversham as a report writer .
7 A previous study has also shown a similar rate of diagnosis of coeliac disease .
8 Follow-up studies of people experiencing particularly traumatic events such as bereavement have also shown a high rate of associated depression and anxiety .
9 At New Year 1983 it screened the light-hearted ‘ One In Five ’ : it has also shown the film My Beautiful Laundrette , the sitcom ‘ Cornerhouse ’ , documentaries such as ‘ Veronica 4 Rose ’ , ‘ Breaking The Silence ’ and ‘ Bright Eyes ’ , and the fictional ‘ Domestic Bliss ’ .
10 Experience has also shown the discussion stage to be an important part of the ‘ gaining of commitment ’ objective .
11 Mr Reynolds was also shown the ward day-room and introduced to other patients to help him settle down , but his anxiety about his condition prevented him from really relaxing .
12 Archaeological and landscape studies have also shown the antiquity of many of the assumed secondary hamlets .
13 They have also shown an increasing technical , or stylistic skill .
14 I was also shown an entry in an old ledger of the period to the effect that plates sent by ‘ Wm .
15 Logica 's joint venture with Finsiel SA in Italy has also shown an improvement .
16 They were also shown an iron bar .
17 Two large population surveys with ultrasound to detect gall bladder disease have also shown an increase in the overall prevalence of gall bladder disease among male but not female smokers , although the findings were not clear cut .
18 North Rode Timber , the largest timber merchants in Congleton have also shown an interest and have supplied the wood planed to the correct sizes , in all cases to a very high quality .
19 Neighbours Manchester United have also shown an interest , while Celtic were represented at Ayresome Park towards the end of the season .
20 But Labour 's Coun. Scott , who has clocked up more than 25 years on the borough council , has also shown an increasing commitment to the improvement of the region .
21 The Royal National Theatre has also shown an interest in ‘ picking up ’ the production .
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