Example sentences of "my share of " in BNC.

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1 I 've done my share of baby care .
2 Darwin hoists a pint of Dregs saying , ‘ I 've had my share of good moments , such as when I cheated that Wallace simpleton out of any credit for natural selection .
3 He received a lot of criticism , but I thought it was unfair as he was completely new to the team , so I took my share of the blame .
4 My share of the bill rarely came to less than £30 .
5 Like the brick she was , Trish had kindly offered to subsidize my share of the rent until I found another job .
6 ‘ And remember , I shall send my share of the Emigrant Society 's dues every quarter out of my wages .
7 That 's all long gone , my share of the haul .
8 ‘ Anyway , I thought I was entitled to my share of what he had , for from the time I 'd gone there five years before , I 'd pulled the business up out of nothing .
9 ‘ I 'm going to get my share of what 's mine ’ sings Suggs .
10 I 've done my share of drudgery along the way — waitressing , skivvying , working in shops . ’
11 The Chianti had gone to my head a little but I was a big lad and had done my share of experimenting with alcohol before , so the intoxication was n't too hard for me to handle .
12 I seemed to be taking up more than my share of the space , and the grief was bad again .
13 " These are from my share of the fruit , " he said , " for I ca n't give you the pears that belong to my brothers . "
14 ‘ But I 'd sent you a cheque to cover my share of the quarter . ’
15 I did my share of late-night drops from the fire escapes . ’
16 The language tutors we have had on our courses were certainly not always given sufficient help to do the job asked of them , and as Language Enhancement Coordinator , I take my share of responsibility for this .
17 I sha n't be a moment finishing off my share of him , and then you can have the bones . "
18 She wrote three three-volume novels : My Share of the World ( 1861 ) , The Castleford Case ( 1862 ) , and The Hidden Sun ( 1866 ) .
19 " Not much , if I have to walk barefoot through my share of it , following you — waiting for you — being left behind by you — with a tribe of children trailing after me . "
20 My share of responsibility as a Senior Assistant Solicitor is to provide legal advice on social services and employment law .
21 Also , my share of the Lothians has been in the care of my cousin the Bishop of Alba .
22 At the moment I am residing in a hostel where I have to share all the basic amenities and do my share of cleaning up .
23 And Mercer says one point seven million is n't enough for my share of Hearts .
24 Then she said a little unsteadily , " I would n't ever consider selling my share of the house .
25 " But it 's going to help me keep my share of the house , and Aunt Alicia would approve of that .
26 But what I want to do at my present moment is maintain my share of the business .
27 ‘ I 've had my share of liaisons , but no more than that , Fran .
28 ‘ All the more reason for me to start taking my share of the load as soon as possible . ’
29 I 've had my share of female spiders , spinning webs . ’
30 ‘ I 've had my share of fame but it comes and goes , ’ he says reflecting on his career from quiz show host to stand up comic .
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