Example sentences of "two hundred years " in BNC.

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1 Protestantism has a deeper significance in Ulster than it has had in Britain for over two hundred years .
2 The film documents a journey in search of Moses Mendelssohn , 18C philosopher and grandfather of the composer , which becomes a journey through two hundred years of German Jewish history and the film-maker 's own family .
3 In Crime and Punishment itself the Petrine reforms get the merest glancing reference , and only one , when Raskolnikov 's friend Razumikhin speaks of ‘ us ’ ( compare the ‘ we ’ of the Drunks fragment ) as ‘ divorced from practical affairs of every sort for nearly two hundred years ’ .
4 Over the two hundred years that they owned the house their fortunes dwindled until the house was sold to the Hutchings family in 1736 .
5 THERE IS an avenue of old oak trees marking the drive which two hundred years ago led through twenty feet high brick gate piers to this beautiful Baroque house .
6 Radiocarbon results of less than two hundred years are therefore usually described as ‘ modern ’ .
7 The chain-smoking Nicholas Ridley is the younger son of the third Viscount Ridley , and has had ancestors on the Tory benches for two hundred years .
8 Coinage was almost unknown in Britain for over two hundred years , between the Roman abandonment of the province in about AD400 and the beginnings of medieval coinage in the seventh century .
9 They are depicted on coins particularly of the period of the Roman empire , and especially for the two hundred years between AD 50 and 250 .
10 In two hundred years , they was Irish .
11 In England the stage country yokel accent , as mimicked by Londoners for over two hundred years , comes from Buckinghamshire , just outside London .
12 Scarcity limited its purchase to the wealthy and quinine did not become available generally for the treatment of malaria for another two hundred years , when the Dutch successfully transplanted trees to the East Indies .
13 The letters between Miller and Bartram show what could be achieved by patience and forbearance two hundred years ago .
14 However , the theme of unifying Germany by means of unifying Europe is at least two hundred years old .
15 From the point of view of many who have traced the development of religious thought over the last two hundred years , theism ceased to be unshakeable long before , in the twentieth century , Ayer and others from the school of ‘ logical positivism ’ sought to make it impossible .
16 Locke 's enthusiasm is alive and well in the modern day too , despite the buffeting religious belief has had in the West over the last two hundred years .
17 The intellectual challenge to Christianity in Western Europe and America over the last two hundred years has all too often tempted it to retreat into a ghetto ring-fenced by claims about the unassailable insights granted to those with faith .
18 They therefore adopt a deeply hostile stance towards intellectual developments of the last two hundred years such as Darwinism and Biblical Criticism , when they would have done better to engage with them and even turn them to their advantage .
19 Without the recovery of manuscripts , an unlikely prospect after two hundred years , such questions can not be settled .
20 H. Gustav Klaus , an admirer of Ashraf , has produced two relevant studies , the first in 1981 comparing Stephen Duck and Mary Collier , and the second in 1985 entitled The Literature of Labour : Two Hundred Years of Working-Class Writing .
21 She gazed at the stubby brick lighthouse , which was over two hundred years old , and had been built to guide the fishing boats home safely to harbour .
22 Two hundred years it 's stood there .
23 Like many of the other city churches it was destroyed by fire in the eleventh-century , being totally rebuilt ( on the same foundations ) in Romanesque style over a period of two hundred years .
24 Records have been kept there for two hundred years .
25 Nana 's form was to skip the next two hundred years of Jamaican history and tell Martha how her husband had gone away to work in Panama and never come back , and how Martha 's own father was in America now .
26 It could n't be simply The History of Wimbledon ( there was a book with that title — it did n't matter that it had been published nearly two hundred years ago ) .
27 Turnpike roads existed for over two hundred years , being finally abolished in 1895 .
28 Over the next two hundred years the issue of notes , i.e. paper money , was gradually taken over by the Bank of England which maintained an adequate gold stock to back the note issue .
29 Economic history/development over the last two hundred years has resulted in 90 per cent of the world 's manufacturing capacity being situated in the North , thus enabling it to control world trade , investment and financial resources .
30 ‘ At Cancun we will promote a revolutionary idea born more than two hundred years ago .
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