Example sentences of "now looking after " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Instead of looking after paying guests , I 'm now looking after unpaying ones ! ’ he says .
2 Have you proper guards now looking after the horses ? ’
3 The kind milkman is now looking after the stray dog , which must have consumed more than 100 pints of milk , until a home can be found for him .
4 Yeah , she 's great — she has split up from her husband and works for her and the kids , a really independent woman who 's been messed around by men and is now looking after herself .
5 One concerned neighbour — who is now looking after the boy — eventually pushed her way into the flat and found the stricken woman lying on the floor of the front room with a sheet over her .
6 When we got there the cranes had already left but the marsh still resounded with the calls of waders , most of them now looking after young .
7 She had her own weekends , here in London , staying with Veronica , whose flat she was now looking after while its owner worked a year 's exchange course at UCLA .
8 The unofficial sanctuary has been running for four years and is now looking after more than a hundred animals .
9 Robyn 's mother , Vera Williams , of Wilton Village , who is now looking after Penny , said since her daughter had her baby she had suffered postnatal depression and had been taking various prescribed drugs .
10 The operation went smoothly and Catering Managers Ian Cameron and John Dunn are now looking after 350 persons on board the Safe Holmia rising to 440 at peak , whilst on the Port Royal , John Turner and Ian Ross are looking after 175 people .
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