Example sentences of "more obvious [conj] " in BNC.

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1 After the election , therefore , it became more and more obvious that ‘ Authority-bashing ’ was part of the new programme .
2 But where the political and social values of a country redefine the function of a school , as they have done in Tanzania , or , as with the growth of universal primary education , it becomes more obvious that the school is not mainly an escape route out of the village and on to secondary and higher education , so the separateness may become less pronounced and the desire for integration more genuine .
3 Twice they were denied penalties for handball , one in each half , and when Colin Johnson hit the upright 16 minutes from time , it looked more and more obvious that this was not going to be their day .
4 If power is distributed unequally in patterned ways , it is even more obvious that material resources are spread unequally .
5 If it is obvious that US policy towards Indo-China could not be considered in isolation from its policy towards the rest of Asia , it is even more obvious that the integration of US policy for Vietnam came about at the same time as the disintegration of its policy towards China : the most traumatic episode in US power-war policies in Asia , at least until the outbreak of the Korean war .
6 As the years passed it became more and more obvious that the BDDA lacked a central office .
7 In fact , his parents had both been excruciatingly polite to her , but that had only made it even more obvious that she was n't the kind of wife they wanted for their clever , ambitious son .
8 In fact , if he had n't teased her , it would have been more obvious that there was some undercurrent in their communication with each other .
9 It would be a buck-passing exercise , at a time when it becoming more and more obvious that difficult political decisions are necessary .
10 Do you remember much about the the attitude of the of the old L N E R management you know , er especially during the lead-up from Labour coming to power , and it becoming more obvious that nationalization would in fact take place ?
11 Politics not fiscal discipline clearly rules the US roost and in no month is this more obvious than in October , the start of the new 1990 fiscal year .
12 Nowhere has the failure to build much needed roads been more obvious than in our cities .
13 In fact , the limitations of both peat and loam have become more obvious than their merits , and once again , there is a strong incentive to find acceptable alternatives .
14 Likewise , there is no single aspect of English Nonconformist life where the changes wrought by the nineteenth century are more obvious than in the position of ministers .
15 Since Mr Crosby became their caretaker-manger , Sunderland have undergone a remarkable change of fortune , and that improved form has never been more obvious than in the Cup .
16 Nowhere is this more obvious than in the music press where critics collect their own charts , their own thought and their own egos .
17 It was just that in camp the link between sex and behaviour was often cruder and more obvious than in ordinary life .
18 Contemporaries noted the continuation of the voluntary tradition within the developing framework of Edwardian collectivism , and probably nowhere was this more obvious than in the realm of child and adolescent welfare .
19 This welcome trend towards honesty in the messy business of personal hygiene is never more obvious than in nappy advertising where one current ad merrily alludes to ‘ No 2s ’ .
20 In no field is this more obvious than in community care of frail elderly people , for the coordination of services , some from different agencies , is pivotal to their well-being .
21 Nowhere is this more obvious than when looking at the competitive reactions to the acquisition of other companies .
22 Nowhere is this more obvious than in the ideological distinction between real crimes and regulatory crimes , whereby law-school curricula can be restricted to a limited number of crimes calling for proof of a mental element as a condition of conviction .
23 On the field , the recurring problem was the inability to turn critical periods to advantage : never more obvious than in the 1990–91 Ashes series : this in a decade when failure , far from being excused , was despised , claim Scott and Cook in the most questionable of their conclusions .
24 This uneven distribution produces anomalies far more obvious than those in England or even Wales ( Alexander 1982a : 125 — 131 ) .
25 The differences between the Demoiselles and the late Baigneuses of Cézanne are , of course , much more obvious than their similarities — too obvious , indeed , to need much elaboration .
26 In no strip is this more obvious than in Troubled Souls .
27 I recognised then what had been made more obvious since , and that is that major labels have absolutely no value for a band that wants to function independently . ’
28 The internationalism of the leaders and cadres of national liberation movements in the Third World is more obvious where such movements played a leading part in the liberation of their countries than where countries were decolonised from above , for the post-independence breakdown of what previously operated , as a united movement of ‘ the people ’ is more dramatic .
29 But the relevance of the question perhaps becomes more obvious if one considers a few examples of the kind of indirect or hidden influence that higher education might have on the culture .
30 The dangers of excessive alcohol are perhaps more obvious and the real problem here is that the effect is cumulative rather than merely temporary .
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