Example sentences of "my sense of " in BNC.

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1 My sense of how to go on determined by the vividness of my imagination of what it will be like when done .
2 I found my own apprehension of form and my sense of humour very much the same as masons of around four hundred years before .
3 ‘ I am not protecting the Communists or the party , ’ he said , ‘ I am trying to , and I will , protect my sense of myself . ’
4 The almost complete absence of neon advertising signs from buildings and shop windows increased my sense of berg in an ancient city .
5 None of this attracts my sense of humour , but it sparkles alongside Mr Punch 's contributions to the 1906 election .
6 ‘ I 'll probably lose my sense of direction and fall and hurt myself , ’ he sighed .
7 After dinner Mr and Mrs Webster retired to the ‘ Front Room ’ to sleep off the meal , and I was glad to be going on evening watch , which I believed would help to dispel my sense of isolation .
8 My sense of shame was beginning to swell .
9 JTR would have admired my sense of duty .
10 And I did have a splendid evening , spending most of the time with a red haired sergeant who seemed to appreciate my sense of humour — in fact , I thought we were getting on so well that I was disappointed when the evening ended and he did n't make any arrangements to see me again .
11 I greatly enjoy sitting down on a Thursday evening to compile a list of all the pleasant and even unpleasant things I have to do , and then luxuriate in my sense of achievement on the following Sunday evening when every item on the list is ticked off .
12 It was an inspired idea to offer the part to the ‘ eternal virgin' of the fifties and early sixties , but Day , nearing the end of her career , turned it down because , ‘ It offended my sense of values . ’
13 Being honest about our motivation is crucial since , at this stage , we might discover that it is not our own Dream at all , or that our motivation is somewhat dubious : ‘ It will impress my friends ’ , ‘ It will be one in the eye for my parents ’ , ‘ It will ease my sense of guilt ’ , ‘ It will make me feel more secure ’ , ‘ It will give me power over other people ’ , ‘ It will make me feel special ’ , ‘ It 's what my partner keeps suggesting I do ’ , ‘ It 's the opposite of what my partner suggests I do . ’
14 I certainly never used to use my sense of humour to attempt to pull girls .
15 After the interview I mentioned as casually as I could that as a result of blocked sinuses I had lost my sense of smell ( with the exceptions of petrol , laundry and excrement ) for years , and could he think of any way of restoring it ?
16 They remained clear , and my sense of smell returned , for two years .
17 My hearing is painfully acute , and my sense of touch and smell quite profound .
18 But even more secret , so secret that I could scarcely even admit it to myself , was my sense of inadequacy .
19 On the contrary , I was mocked within the family for my ‘ posh ’ accent , and for what was considered to be my general childishness , especially as far as my sense of humour was concerned .
20 In my case there was no homosexuality — or heterosexuality , for that matter — to conceal , but I think there was a certain amount of gender confusion , nurtured by circumstances both at home and at school , which contributed to my sense of loss , the loss of self .
21 Solitude was an eccentricity the school was at pains to discourage , and its absence gave rise to a sort of panic in me which served to reinforce my sense of loss of self .
22 I did n't believe her : my sense of superiority had extended itself to include a conviction of my own immortality .
23 The drive to surpass had originated and was maintained from home ; my sense of neglect and isolation was a partial consequence of belonging intermittently to a cohesive community .
24 Needless to say , this discrepancy served to boost my sense of superiority .
25 ‘ But if I can keep my sense of humour , I hope that we will be all right . ’
26 I might easily lose my sense of our quarry . ’
27 Now I suppose this is just appealing to my sense of power or something , being able to walk in and take charge and in a minute or two they 've settled down and they 're not panicking because you 've arrived and all their burdens are on your shoulders and they do n't have to worry any more because the doctor 's there … this I find profoundly satisfying as long as I can , in fact , cope with what 's happening .
28 ‘ In a funny way it 's helped to give me back my sense of independence , and I do more physically than I did before .
29 At the same time , my sense of impunity is high — there are few police around and it would be easy to spot them if they were ; the risk in terms of the formal sanction ( probably a fine and endorsement ) are consequently low .
30 The more she tried to be that person the more I lost my sense of who I 'd fallen for in the first place .
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