Example sentences of "him towards the " in BNC.

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1 Just as the dance was finishing she drew him towards the door .
2 Philip pushed him towards the toilet and the window .
3 Ferdinando surprised her by having someone write a letter for him towards the end of March which made it plain that Mrs Browning had fared no better in Rome than in Siena and was very ill .
4 She shepherded him towards the Captain talking all the time .
5 Isobel stared at him , then laughed , drew her arm through his and pulled him towards the door .
6 It all swung him towards the burning reality of Kee .
7 She had been walking away from him towards the path that led to the gate and she turned her head and said , ‘ Did n't want to disturb you ; you looked so peaceful , asleep . ’
8 Padding the streets and prying into the window of a man 's life , and the trail turned him towards the second-floor flat of Mrs Angela Holly ( née Wells ) , two miles from the home of her former husband and parents-in-law .
9 She drew him inside and led him towards the candle-light .
10 ‘ Of course you can , ’ she said , taking his arm and walking him towards the bay window , but she kept one eye on the painting in case they were tempted .
11 He turned instinctively against the wind , or nearly , for that way was easiest to control and fortunately it took him towards the greatest darkness .
12 She held out a hand and , when he took it , heaved him upright and pulled him towards the bedroom .
13 He wedged his clothes into a gap between boulders above the waterline , then grabbed Carey 's feet and pulled him towards the edge .
14 He allowed her gently to propel him towards the sitting room , all the while murmuring , ‘ Always puzzled me … always puzzled me . ’
15 ‘ I 'll take him up to his bed , Cissie , ’ Beth told her , at the same time taking the boy by the hand and leading him towards the door .
16 He grabbed Rodomonte by the scruff of the neck and pushed him towards the light , holding his nose inches away from the crackling fluorescence .
17 But she only smiled and turned him towards the door .
18 ‘ Outside , outside , ’ said Fagin , pushing the boy in front of him towards the door .
19 He was immediately joined by Louise who pulled him towards the marquee .
20 When Culley passed , Jackson gave him a count of ten , then followed him towards the departures gate .
21 Loc seized them both by the arm and forced them to run with him towards the jungle .
22 … and he shoved a petrified Gilbert ahead of him towards the stairs .
23 ‘ Move , ’ Farrell continued , grabbing Connelly by one arm and jerking him towards the door of the bedroom .
24 She looked around her despairingly and began to push him towards the pantry .
25 Then he pushed him towards the light , and in the light he saw the face of a boy of twenty .
26 Rose went scuttling off to intercept Dieter ; she grabbed him by the hand and drew him towards the tea-table , her bird-like voice rising above the general chatter as she told him what had happened .
27 ‘ Oh , thank you ! ’ she said , but her smile withered at the sight of his expression and she trailed after him towards the car park without a word or a glance at the others .
28 And if he 'd come across any other married woman who kept on buying her husband horses and dogs and fishing tackle and pointing him towards the open countryside while she stayed in town , then he 'd have known exactly what to think .
29 Her legs felt absolutely leaden as she trudged after him towards the house .
30 She shifted the weight of his arm from her shoulders and began urging him towards the front door before his fabrications began to get even more elaborate .
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