Example sentences of "have noticed [art] " in BNC.

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1 By Gerald Larner FOLLOWERS of the BBC Philharmonic — that small but discriminating section of the concert audience in the North-west — will have noticed a peculiarly high proportion of works featuring solo trumpet in the orchestra 's current programmes .
2 Had the Lebanese gunmen not been so enthusiastic in their celebrations , they might have noticed a small but symbolic incident which cast a shadow over the Syrians ' arrival .
3 A close observer might have noticed a slight stiffening of Albert 's back , but otherwise he gave no sign of hearing .
4 If Chris had n't been clutching a piece of leaf , would I have noticed a torn house plant ? some plants , like the aptly named deadly nightshade , do not reveal their effect until hours after ingestion , by which time it may be too late for effective treatment .
5 I guess Damien Hirst did n't go clubbing in the mid-Eighties in NY , otherwise he might have noticed a shark in a tank in artist Eric Goode 's nightclub , Area .
6 But if you looked carefully at the left-hand side , where there was a glass-enclosed porch , you might have noticed a few little birds flying around , the odd flash and flitter of coloured wings .
7 ‘ I see you have noticed a certain peculiarity about my appearance . ’
8 In Brighton , the Prince Regent 's city , people do not go to bed early , and an observer would have noticed a small group of revellers making its way along the strand to the accompaniment of snatches of song and bursts of loud laughter .
9 Users of the main car park at Park Royal will have noticed a new fence at the back of the site .
10 TEATIME viewers to ITV 's results service last Saturday may have noticed a promising debut at the Sunderland-West Ham Cup tie .
11 … and since this is the nature page , readers may just have noticed a Conservative Party pre-election poster featuring a giant , savings-sucking mosquito .
12 At this juncture you may just have noticed a slight differential in pace between the ‘ amateurs ’ in this democracy game , and the alleged professionals .
13 ‘ Their mother must have noticed a difference in them .
14 Some women who are infected with this bacterium have little in the way of symptoms , but the majority will have noticed an increase in their vaginal discharge .
15 With all the changes that have taken place in Abbey National since its historic conversion to plc two years ago , Vos is convinced that customers will have noticed an improvement in the quality of service .
16 I am writing to warn other dog owners of the potential hazard of the rape plant ( you 'll have noticed the bright yellow flowers now covering so many fields ) .
17 In truth , he was very much smitten by Sarah at the time and he would scarcely have noticed the rather nondescript little sister who fell passionately in love that day .
18 If he had not drawn her attention to it she would never have noticed the little glass cubicle , tucked away high up under the roof in one corner of the arcade .
19 When she last flew into London no one would have noticed the elfin-formed teenager drift through customs .
20 Many teachers will have noticed the increasing efforts to sell an area or particular school to the potential recruit .
21 Most people who have travelled through the Monkton district of Ayrshire will have noticed the monument that stands on the high ground behind the Dutch House Caravan Park , and wondered what it is and why it is there .
22 Every officer must have noticed the figurines , yet no-one had considered them as a possible murder weapon .
23 You will have noticed the recurrent use of the word ‘ slowly ’ by now — this is the whole secret of your early departures from the static hover condition .
24 You may have noticed the change in AMNESTY 's format .
25 Then Paul Weller formed a group with the extraordinarily hopeless name of The Paul Weller Movement ( for someone so fascinated by Englishness , you 'd think he 'd have noticed the national Jokes About Bowels obsession ) , started performing Jam songs and left Polydor .
26 Anyone visiting Royal Academy Summer Exhibitions will have noticed the unusual and striking work of Mick Rooney .
27 If she had known Michael , she would have noticed the glimmer of relief that came into his eyes .
28 Such is 53 : The reader will have noticed the complete absence of the first person , as the Poet , fully caught up in his task , existed merely as vehicle for the other 's praise .
29 Subscribers may have noticed the scepticism with which we have tended to greet analysts ' forecasts for IBM Corp 's earnings , and invariably their forecasts have proved too optimistic — but it seems to take time for the true awfulness of the situation to sink in with them .
30 Many readers will have noticed the absence of any mention of a forthcoming Careers Forum .
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