Example sentences of "have believed that " in BNC.

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1 Nate could n't possibly have believed that the Turkish problem was more important than the European Plan .
2 If she had been paying more attention to his face she might have believed that his deeply shocked , anguished expression was not an act , put on for her benefit .
3 Indeed , as C. S. L. Davies has suggested , the arrogance with which he treated his fellow-councillors in the two years before his fall in October 1549 may owe a lot to his outstanding success at Pinkie , when he may have believed that he was about to achieve what some of the greatest of English kings had failed to do .
4 Thiercelin would never have believed that anything white could look so dirty .
5 You would never have believed that she had ever had a problem in that area .
6 If at the time of the first Red Flag Act anyone had prophesied that within 100 years horseless carriages would be careering around by the million , they would have been thought dangerously deluded ; no one would have believed that society would survive such an onslaught .
7 No-one in their right minds would have believed that Labour wanted to abolish heterosexuality or promote AIDS , but such was the level of fear and ignorance about homosexuality that these ideas could be aired .
8 Ruth could almost have believed that he wanted to turn around and go back home .
9 I was so lonely for him I could almost have believed that he did , though I know I must n't . ’
10 Who would ever have believed that Lucille , Vicomtesse de Seleglise and widow of Colonel Xavier Castineau , would be mother to a half-English bastard ?
11 He may well have believed that the factionalization inherent in Woodville control of the heir posed such a threat to political stability that his own rule was preferable — he may have persuaded himself , in fact , that he was acting for the good of the realm .
12 De Gaulle , at Brazzaville in 1944 , may have believed that France , of all the imperial powers , would choose nobly and liberally in a new era ; on a more mundane level and on the same occasion it was also agreed that ‘ access to the riches of all that bears the French name is the most certain measure of our country 's return to grandeur ’ .
13 They could only have believed that tanks had eternal lives .
14 Nozick takes it therefore that for a to know that p we require that a would not have believed that p if p had been false .
15 Bagehot ( 1965/1867 ) may have believed that the monarchy , with its pomp and evocations of antiquity , was a ‘ disguise ’ of real politics , necessary for retaining the loyalty of the uneducated masses ( p. 97 ) .
16 Older characterizations of ‘ speech community ’ , such as that of Wyld ( 1927 : 47 ) , assume that everybody speaking a ‘ dialect ’ speaks in the same way : these scholars would therefore have believed that inner-city Belfast is homogeneous and would simply not have expected to find the enormous diversity that actually does exist , so they probably would not have bothered to investigate it .
17 Perhaps , too , he may have believed that once the gloss on my love affair dimmed , his money would act as a reminder of the comforts to which I could return .
18 She would n't have believed that he could move so fast as , with a rushing like that of fluid from a punctured sac , the rotten body comes slithering out in a wave of its own juices .
19 And then a log broke in the hearth , sending sparks cascading , and the shadows leapt , and Grainne remembered all of the old stories , and could almost have believed that the ancient Ireland had awoken at last ; that goblins and satyrs and cloven-hoofed , pointed-eared creatures were prancing in the room with them .
20 Wodehouse translated into Italian ; and not even someone as ignorant as I was could possibly have believed that Wodehouse 's England was the England I would find .
21 Agassiz drew diagrams of the relative flourishing of different families of fish through past time , which showed gradual appearance and extinction — but he must have believed that species came into being and died out at definite times .
22 On one occasion , he told the guests , ‘ you might have believed that we were on the verge of adding 3,500 redundancies to the total of Scottish unemployed .
23 ‘ More recently , ’ said Bob , ‘ you might have believed that bonuses actually were being offered to managers who could find ways of exploiting our customers .
24 ‘ I would never have believed that a landlord — any landlord — would refuse a man a drink the night before he was wed . ’
25 He may well have believed that the factionalization inherent in Woodville control of the heir posed such a threat to political stability that his own rule was preferable — he may have persuaded himself , in fact , that he was acting for the good of the realm .
26 After the Act she might have believed that she had reasonable grounds for making her demand and that her threat was a proper means of reinforcing the demand .
27 He may really have believed that Poles were running the Hungarian rebellion and could carry disaffection north of the Carpathians .
28 ‘ Who would have believed that Haagen-Dazs could build a market for a product retailing at just under £3 per tub with a name that meant nothing , with understated quirky packaging in a country where a major recession was started to bite ?
29 They might have believed that because George and Lennie were such good friends , who went everywhere together , they should leave together too .
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