Example sentences of "have [been] waiting " in BNC.

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1 If I 'd been the archer , I thought , I would have been waiting in position , crouched and camouflaged , endlessly patient , arrow notched on bow .
2 Luke and Sonny knew he was coming on the afternoon train ; they should have been waiting at the railway station with the horse and trap .
3 I thought she must have been waiting for someone … ’
4 At best , he should have been waiting until the morning and then politely requesting a desk and a telephone and an interpreter somewhere in the back reaches of their Counter-Terrorism building .
5 She must have been waiting for some time .
6 Alternatively , Ho may simply have been waiting for something to turn up , something that would tip the scales one way or the other in the situation that was neither peace nor war .
7 On his return Geoffrey should have been waiting in the wings to assist him into his pirate coat — the hook attached to the sleeve rendered it cumbersome .
8 He might have been waiting for someone .
9 Eventually I fed them , shut them in their kennels ; did n't go to the dining room where dinner would have been waiting , already cold ; instinct walked my weight to Leon 's bedroom .
10 Whoever it was must have been waiting by the telephone for the call .
11 It would therefore be incredibly naive to conclude from the PIMS data that it is erroneous for companies to increase capital intensity — when their snapshot was taken by PIMS they might still have been waiting for their day to come .
12 He was making for a taxi , which might well have been waiting for him .
13 If someone had valuables hidden in the hypocaust , he must have been waiting on thorns for the chance to get his hoard away , and baulked all day by staff and visitors wandering around .
14 ‘ They should have been waiting on Victoria station , checking each train that came in . ’
15 ‘ I must have been waiting too .
16 Grant got the impression that Larsen must have been waiting for his signal , like a sprinter crouched in his blocks waiting for the starter 's gun to launch him into motion .
17 The residents could have been waiting to mug her with a Zimmer frame .
18 They must have been waiting in a car , as neither wore an overcoat and both were suddenly there smack in front of me , blocking the pavement , tantalizingly close to home .
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