Example sentences of "have [vb pp] together " in BNC.

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1 The fact is ( however complex and messy the eventual analysis may be ) that the two kinds of process and relationship must have developed together and must surely be combined with one another in our understanding .
2 ( In fact , Mr Duroselle seems almost to believe that the worst aspect of colonialism was the way it divided European nations that might otherwise have come together . )
3 Dr William Fore , former WACC President and now Visiting Lecturer in Communication at the School , said in a recent letter to delegates : ‘ The meeting promises to be a landmark , since it is the first time that teachers of communication in seminaries and schools of theology will have come together to consider their distinctive task in theological education . ’
4 We would have come together when his hullabaloo was over .
5 They might still have come together in spite of what she had done .
6 sure , there may be some thinking that , there may also though be er if you move through to the forties you 're , y you 're twenty years on from the nineteen twenties , you , you 've had and you 've had deterioration in agricultural conditions er as , as we 've seen you 've got erm increasing landlord absenteeism , you , you 've got a downward , an upward pressure on rent in terms of how much was having to be paid in real terms , all of those things might have come together to , to , to push the peasant over and to push him outside .
7 We should have talked together — hammered the whole situation out .
8 She never knew them , she pined for them and for the better life they might have had together .
9 ‘ I am pretty sure the team would have got together and sung the anthem anyway . ’
10 ‘ We should have got together a long time ago , when I was n't an old man . ’
11 It would have been nice if we could have got together , but the truth is there was n't enough enthusiasm on either side .
12 Would you have got together with Rosalind if you never met Juliet , would you have actually got together with Rosalind ?
13 They should have got together before .
14 The complex of disparate elements comprising academic English was always unstable , though they might have stayed together longer if it had not been for the demands of the academic environment .
15 If he had lived , I 'm sure we would have stayed together — I 'm sure .
16 Even if Cherith had been genuinely in love with me , how long do you thing we 'd have stayed together ?
17 Although , today , recombination in eukaryotes is in the main confined to fairly close relatives , the origin of the eukaryotes may have brought together genetic material from distant sources on a dramatic scale .
18 I wish Eileen had waited and they might have gone together like the lads , although God knows , Carrie , I dread the thought of any more going . ’
19 Had things been different they could even have gone together .
20 I think there 's less risk of you being caught then — Lee 's and your mother 's people are looking for either a single man and woman or two unrelated young people ; it seems as if they think it 's inconceivable that you should have remained together .
21 In the face of the dreadful attacks on police officers , the Home Office should have put together an urgent review team which should have incorporated other Departments and put forward a package of measures .
22 He said , ‘ Well , you may have worked together then , but the situation is quite different now .
23 Similarly , different nucleotides could have strung together to form primitive nucleic acid ; but it is difficult , now , to see how that primitive nucleic acid could have replicated itself efficiently , without the help of some primitive protein .
24 ‘ I think there was a lot of loyalty and desire for the marriage to work out , particularly between Vicki and I. I mean , you 'd think that the two sisters would have bonded together against everyone , but there would be different … coalitions .
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