Example sentences of "them stand [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 They are generally thicker and harder-fired than wall tiles , to enable them to stand up to heavy wear without cracking .
2 One of the white thieves came with a whip , cutting legs , backs , faces ; drawing blood ; roaring at them until they understood he wanted them to stand up .
3 The women have become more feminist in their outlook and this has helped them to stand up against the men of the villages and take a firm stance in their lives .
4 They do n't wish it to happen , but it becomes an impossibility almost for them to stand up to their rights , and Mr talks about rights and no rights is in abstract and we all know how difficult it is then to stand up as a minority when you 're surrounded by that majority , but I 've had personal representations
5 I , I , I 'd would teach them to stand up and tell them the truth , there do n't appear to be too many of them about these days
6 It would , he did say , any sensible priest would n't want them to stand out , I think those were the words he used , immediately anyway .
7 But in some parishes it er had been useful for them to stand out because the parish council was made up of people who had grown old with parish priests and er it was a chance to make a new start .
8 But will any of them stand up and say so ?
9 Pyramids of paper have been piled up on the subject of faunal provinces in the fossil record , but very few of them stand up to critical examination and even the latest symposium on the subject has produced very little that can be regarded as concrete evidence .
10 To make them stand up without toppling over needs an understanding of balance , and vocabulary related to over-balancing , top-heavy , etc. can be introduced .
11 And , while not denying the severity of Poland 's problems , the scale of economic hardship and poverty facing Africa makes them stand out as candidates for debt relief .
12 In any useful demonstration the important features are artificially emphasized to make them stand out .
13 What is it about them that makes them stand out from the rest ?
14 The words are italicised instead , which makes them stand out , as if starred by the new typeface .
15 Those shown in Sample 3 have been worked in contrast yarn to make them stand out .
16 In so far as history aspires to meaning , it is doomed to select regions , periods , groups of men and individuals in these groups and to make them stand out , as discontinuous figures , against a continuity barely good enough to be used as a backdrop .
17 This makes them stand out as new and unfamiliar against the industrial background , as if they are somehow out of place .
18 It is the attention to that detail which makes them stand out .
19 She lifted her hand , waved towards the crowd to get them standing up , and began the Salve Regina .
20 You can get them with long pins each si have them standing up the board and then you have another board , a board with a so you can
21 All of them standing around or squatting , picking at themselves and the dogs sniffing them .
22 Prepare lists of utterances which may all be said to the same tune , e.g. following example from Portuguese of Brazil : listen to each list in turn listen to pairs , one word from each list , across insert one utterance from list 2 near the end of list 1 , and vice versa , and listen to check that you hear the difference between them standing out clearly
23 We can imagine them standing by for orders to levy and equip soldiers from among their lords ' tenants when the king summoned his tenants-in-chief to furnish them .
24 One of them stood up and took off his sunglasses .
25 They let them stood out there in all that rain did n't they ?
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