Example sentences of "when [pers pn] heard " in BNC.

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1 When I heard that I went straight into the toilet and threw up .
2 When I heard Celtic were interested , I decided Scotland would be much better for me . ’
3 I du n no why he did that , but when I heard Marie tell that , I felt really horrible .
4 At first I could n't see them , but when I heard a little quack I had a close look and saw them all there huddled together and trying to keep warm .
5 ‘ This news has justified the exams and I was thrilled when I heard .
6 It was a warm , spring morning and I was lying in the garden , reflecting on life in general and taking it easy , when I heard this music coming from the top-floor flat where the windows were all open — and there was somebody singing .
7 First thing next morning I was going to fire off a letter , I thought , when I heard something .
8 ‘ I 'm telling you , ’ she said , ‘ when I heard that big clock in the hall striking the five , you could 've knocked me down with a feather !
9 I was not surprised when I heard that the old man had gone to live with Dorothy .
10 I was just reaching out to get the bottle — I keep them on that sideboard just behind me chair — when I heard this noise … . ’
11 I went and got the pressure-cooker to brain him with and was just about to bring it crashing down on his bonce when I heard Mike calling from the next room .
12 I was debating whether to try to stop the bleeding first or to leave him in his uncertain state while I found a way out , trusting he would n't totally pass out , when I heard the main door creak open directly above our heads ; the way Harry and I had come in .
13 I had planned an early night , but when I heard about the disco , I decided a visit to the Club 's hairdresser and a night on the dance floor would be much more enjoyable !
14 ‘ We did n't , but when I heard the whisper about the picture I decided to beef up the budget , ’ her father explained .
15 I believe I had walked a little way along the roadside , peering through the foliage hoping to get a better view , when I heard a voice behind me .
16 As I remember it was one morning a little while after my father and Miss Kenton had joined the staff , I had been in my pantry , sitting at the table going through my paperwork , when I heard a knock on my door .
17 Rather exasperated , I began to get out and had one foot still on the running board when I heard a woman 's voice call :
18 I had almost reached the kitchen doorway when I heard the furious sounds of her footsteps coming back towards me again .
19 ‘ Even I gave a half cheer when I heard that , ’ declares Pamela .
20 My friend was about 50 feet above me and almost out of sight in the fog , when I heard him yell at me to ‘ come and see this ’ .
21 My regard for things Gaelic shot up when I heard that story .
22 When I heard about the business of measuring and weighing I realised that all the care and effort I had put into keeping my secret had probably been a complete waste of time .
23 When I heard about Elsie 's foot I decided that I wanted to write about her to explore how she coped with her disability .
24 I laughed when I heard the old cliché about ‘ having him under my feet . ’
25 It was the longest afternoon that I had known and it was worse when I heard the sound of tea being prepared downstairs for this made me even more hungry .
26 When I heard recently on the radio that he had been arrested in Tasmania the wild fancy occurred that someone had forgotten to de-miniaturise him and that he had finally worked his way through to Australia .
27 I had letters which started , ‘ We were travelling up the motorway from London to Glasgow and I heard you … ’ or ‘ I live in Devon but I was staying in Leicester when I heard you .
28 When I heard a friend was willing to part with some of his things , I swapped my Game Boy , games , light and case for 3′ tank , internal filter , two heaters , and most important of all , a breeding pair of Angels .
29 My curiosity was first aroused some ten years ago when I heard of something being called the ‘ Freshwater Moray Eel ’ .
30 ‘ I was speechless when I heard that I had won , ’ he said .
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