Example sentences of "do go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So it 's absolutely essential that we do go forward formally and take up all the issues in relation to the minimum achieved performance levels and the scheme arising from the consolidation of the effects of last year 's pay settlement , but as er most of the delegates from British Gas will know , I 've been er ensuring that we first of all get all of the reports in from the regional joint indu regional joint trade union secretaries to ensure that we have as much information for once as British Gas has , about what 's going on within the company , and secondly we 've had er full debates on the trade union side to ensure we were well aware of just exactly what our recollections were of what happened last year and to ensure we 're going forward in a clear and a positive way .
2 It 's in there because you ca n't have executive style cabinet government in local government unless you pay executive councillors executive salaries , it 's got nothing to do with the idea of you getting thirty five pounds rather than thirty three if we stay here all day erm I would just , I 'm really wisely advised to make one point er Mr er was c wondering why this did n't have majority support actually most of it did I think Mr will confirm that he and his colleagues were happy to support all of the proposed responses from A to J on page thirty and thirty one but were not happy with response B and I would like to er that erm that er when our responses do go forward it is made clear that apart from little paragraph B there was all party support because I really feel that our local authority associates need to know that and erm I hope that will be little B was er a piece that erm certainly I and my colleagues supported er , rather .
3 Yeah they do no they do go round .
4 Mostly again to ninety six , although erm some do go beyond .
5 I I think it 's important , especially for for young women up to the age of about thirty five when your peak bone density is probably attained and after that you , you do go downhill , to maximise the calcium intake .
6 ‘ That 's exactly the time many gentlemen do go astray , ’ said Bill .
7 People do go away for Christmas .
8 Do go through .
9 Do go through … ’
10 Do go through , ’ said Elise , unnecessarily , since Penry was already on his way .
11 Do go up to Jack and Alfred .
12 Now do go up to the others . ’
13 If I want to change , I 'll put it , the only thing is , if we do go up the bar , I think I 'll be a bit warm , in something like this wo n't I ?
14 ‘ Oh do go on , ’ Harriet hovers above , laughing , ‘ it 's not as if we did n't all know how virtuous you feel . ’
15 Do go on . ’
16 However , Sutherland and Cressey do go on to include a consideration of poverty , unemployment , bad housing , and the like , under the heading of ‘ social situations which are most conducive to crime ’ .
17 Do go on . ’
18 Yes you do go on tell i what have I just been telling you then that you need to concentrate on that I think you should be concentrating on .
19 ‘ Really , I do go on so , ’ she said apologetically .
20 He looked at them , his head on one side , and Floy said , ‘ Do go on . ’
21 But Floy said , in an expressionless tone , ‘ Do go on , ’ and Caspar looked at Floy doubtfully , because he was not altogether sure of Floy yet and he had the feeling that Floy might very well be thinking and assessing and generally not revealing all his feelings .
22 Do go on , ’ said Snizort , reaching for a newly sharpened charcoal stick .
23 Fortunately , the majority warm to it and do go on to fulfilled fatherhood .
24 Do go on . ’
25 Do go on , ’ said the Superintendent dangerously .
26 Do go on , ’ Southgate put in silkily .
27 Do go on , ’ Luke murmured , watching her unblinkingly .
28 Do go on ! ’
29 ‘ I do n't want to be rude , but you do go on at people .
30 Do go on . ’
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