Example sentences of "could best be " in BNC.

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1 This fear of the mob has continued to haunt the executive , who saw that control could best be determined by the installation of a professional police organization formulated on strict hierarchic , semi-militaristic lines , and possessed of discipline , obedience , and loyalty .
2 The fast growth of private trading and corruption associated with it could best be checked by individuals familiar with their localities .
3 The Association began the year wondering how the Royal Air Force Benevolent Funds 's ‘ Reach for the Sky ’ Appeal could best be supported .
4 This had the effect of giving the BBC an effective monopoly as advertising revenue could best be maximized by providing an alternative to sport on independent television .
5 She reiterated her view that humans could best be made to behave in an environmentally friendly way through the market , rather than regulation .
6 The Chiefs of Staff 1952 Global Strategy paper concluded that Soviet and Chinese Communist aggression could best be countered by nuclear deterrence .
7 As many as 42 per cent of the youth , compared with 22 per cent of the adults , thought the reconstruction of Germany could best be carried out by ‘ a strong new Führer ’ .
8 For most other mutant genes that Stern studied in this way , the abnormality in structure could best be explained by supposing that cells could not respond to the prepattern , rather than that the prepattern itself had changed .
9 As the late Sir John Biggs-Davison pointed out , this could best be achieved by raising a regiment of West Indian Guards , to serve alongside — and compete with — the Scots , Irish and Welsh Guards .
10 The parents had come to the conclusion , after soliciting expert opinion , that her needs could best be met in a special ( and , as it happened , private ) school .
11 They , and all of life in India in its own way , are sacred , but the holes bored by the former and the mounds erected by the latter in the paddocks were a threat to the horses , Occidental logic demanded that the one could best be filled by the deposition of the other .
12 They maintained that the money spent on ‘ this unnecessary war ’ could best be used to improve the rapidly declining quality of life in the United States .
13 Many countries of the world could not only make better use of wastes , but increase agricultural production of the crops of which surplus produce could best be used to manufacture fuels .
14 These had often operated most effectively in smaller areas within which housing or industrial-renewal projects could best be implemented .
15 As to Hugh , his complete disappearance could best be explained if he were still doggedly pursuing Marian through the deep tangles of the forest ; if he had lost track of her he would presumably find his way back to the highway and rejoin them later .
16 The Conservatives also employed the classic advantage of the minority and manoeuvred well , sensibly concentrating on the seats that could best be held or putatively captured .
17 The former study compared carefully matched samples of British , French , and German factories , and having held as constant as possible factors such as size of enterprise , technology , and the firm 's environment , discovered substantial differences in the way work was organised in the three countries , concluding that these could best be accounted for by features of each nation 's culture , and in particular its educational and occupational structures .
18 He felt that this could best be done by resorting to myths .
19 The shape of this design could best be described as a spray , the two outer points being provided by pieces of vetch , and the other leaves being rose and Japanese maple .
20 What seemed to me most significant about the period I chose to study was that this was the moment of transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance , a transition which could best be observed and studied in drawing , which lends itself to greater experimentation .
21 Such a client pool could best be exploited by setting up sales within the country rather than wooing clients to bid at international level , which is currently their approach in Korea , another target area in their long-term world-wide strategy .
22 His argument was that aggregate demand could best be stimulated through fiscal expansion , and that in the prevailing conditions most of the increase in national income would feed through into output and therefore employment rather than inflation .
23 That last requirement could best be met by establishing a large enough market to warrant actual manufacture in the Far East .
24 Above all , it must be recalled that , at least in the fifteenth century , military objectives could best be achieved through siege warfare , which gave the cavalry less opportunity than it had enjoyed before .
25 Far more pertinent was the fact that Mendoros thought he could see a gap in a market about which he knew a great deal , and which he reckoned could best be filled from the UK .
26 The defection and death of Richard and John Neville therefore reopened the question of how royal authority could best be exercised in the north , as well as raising the issue of what should be done with the Neville connection , which was now leaderless .
27 Unfortunately Freud 's evidence for his propositions was somewhat indirect , being derived from the ‘ memories ’ of adult patients , whose difficulties and characteristics he believed could best be accounted for by the libidinal theory .
28 The means by which this could best be ‘ contained ’ in British sculpture , without contravening demands for an aesthetic which was essentially morally healthy and incorruptible .
29 Again it was no surprise to find most temporary workers in what could best be described as lower level or less skilled occupations , both in industry and services [ see Table 2.2 ] .
30 There was not , however , much discussion on the overall needs of the disabled , and research into how the needs could best be met was minimal .
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