Example sentences of "could therefore be " in BNC.

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1 Dots and dashes could therefore be identified by the upward and downward movements of the current curve .
2 It had been only a few hours , but that was enough to ensure that birthdays would always fall on public holidays and the correct number of hours could therefore be spent languishing .
3 Women 's world could therefore be seen as inferior to the higher cultural activities of men in the public domain — a fact recognized by the first century AD Jewish philosopher Philo who in his writings made much play of this gender-differentiated opposition between the public and private domains .
4 Some African coins used to be attributed to the Numidian King Jugurtha ( 118–105BC ) , but the discovery of a hoard at Enna in Sicily in 1966 showed that these coins were actually contemporary with the period of democracy at Syracuse in 214–212BC , and the coins could therefore be redated and attributed to the Carthaginian expedition against Sicily in 213–210 BC .
5 Their influence could therefore be especially powerful .
6 It could therefore be argued that as the districts were neither fully responsible nor fully accountable for the level of poll tax paid by their residents , electors would find it hard to make a judgement on the performance of their own authority based solely on that criterion .
7 Continental drift could therefore be easily explained by Hess 's hypothesis , since the rocks of the mantle under the continents are identical to and continuous with the rocks of the mantle underlying the thin oceanic crust .
8 It could therefore be allowed to absorb the modus .
9 It could therefore be called a 1-bit data latch .
10 The Revenue 's right to demand information could therefore be decided as soon as a date for the hearing of the originating summons was fixed .
11 If you are intending to use your card regularly to obtain cash , it could therefore be advisable to put your account well into the black before going away , in order to avoid the high interest charges .
12 I suspect that my parents simply took my word and my active behaviour as proofs of my essential health , and that my non-eating was something I would grow out of and could therefore be ignored .
13 Two antiparticles could therefore be drawn together by antigravity , but a particle of matter would be repelled by an antiparticle .
14 This was achieved with Mouton Cadet — a vintage Bordeaux , which was more affordable than the Grand Crus and could therefore be enjoyed by more people .
15 This platform could therefore be used as the basis for a core curriculum from which various material is developed and structures created .
16 Dignan 's attempt to reformulate it in a ‘ progressive ’ way could therefore be seen as partisan , and therefore necessarily outside the ambit of a ‘ rights ’ approach .
17 The figures in Table 5.1 are from cross-sectional data , obtained in 1980 , and could therefore be misleading as indicators of changes in households over time .
18 All religion could therefore be seen as an immanent reflection and intimation of the ultimate reality of God himself .
19 Multi-employer bargaining outside the establishment at regional and industry level — whose detailed substantive agreements were backed by law and left less scope for supplementary bargaining for improved terms — could therefore be a means of continuing to exclude trade unions from the workplace .
20 The Schools Council could therefore be seen as testifying vigorously to two principles — curriculum diversity and teacher control of the curriculum .
21 Growth in 1993 could therefore be a heady surprise .
22 Devlin has , however , been defended against such a charge by several commentators , and one of these , Basil Mitchell , argues that it would be fairer to suggest that Devlin 's position is that there are no types of immorality which are not in some way capable of threatening society , and which could therefore be considered to be ‘ outside ’ the scope of the law :
23 The Government could therefore be put under some pressure to give the passengers a guarantee that they will not be exploited .
24 Judicious choice of quantity and timing of amino acid intake could therefore be of benefit .
25 Some of Freud 's patients became more rational in their understanding of their problems , and they could therefore be said to be nearer than non-patients to the standard Freud held up as worthy of human beings .
26 Where Chartier went further was in asking whether nobility was something which came to a man by virtue of his birth ( and could therefore be inherited ) or whether it was accorded in recognition of merit ?
27 A wide range of economic bases for class could therefore be found .
28 It could therefore be argued that it was in the interests of the Soviet Union to see the Korean peninsula in the hands of a friendly regime and American-Japanese interests pushed out of the Asian continent .
29 Normally they held their offices during the King 's pleasure and could therefore be replaced when they were no longer fit for duty .
30 Nor , more importantly , will they be able to suppose that there could therefore be no lasting future for an industrial co-operative sector operating in a market economy , as an extension of democracy as the term is understood in the west and , hence , as an evolutionary advance from Capitalism .
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