Example sentences of "could not make " in BNC.

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1 And this was what Byers could not make .
2 If BR could not make a case for seven trains for one of its most profitable routes , it was clear that plans for a second tranche of HSTs for the Cross Country group of services would not satisfy the new criteria .
3 The head of the Bonn Chancellery , Rudolf Seiters , said the West German government had made it clear that it could not make any concessions regarding its embassies in other countries and that no East German would be turned away from any West German mission abroad .
4 Because of the ‘ unconvincing nature ’ of the compromise , he could not make up his mind whether he should apply for membership .
5 The Cheltenham & Gloucester Building Society this month withdrew its cheap share-dealing service , which it could not make profitable .
6 The person who decided this was almost always the vicar ; though of recent years he could not make elaborate changes without the support of a majority in his church council .
7 The Powderhall stadium in Edinburgh was the top venue for professional athletics , though competitors could not make a living by running alone .
8 Sir Anthony says : ‘ The Department were at fault in failing to appreciate that the instructions given to Spicers to carry out an audit of the partnership 's client accounts would not , at least as regards some important Barlow Clowes portfolios , have enabled any reassurance to be gained on the score of the concern that the partnership could not make the payments of income they had guaranteed without eroding clients ’ capital .
9 Unfortunately , the Air Staff , who preferred the military version of the VC-7 , the V-1000 , could not make a strong enough case to offset the commercial and political arguments favouring the Britannia .
10 Other Hamlets have been as wrong-headed : Laurence Olivier 's of 1948 , perhaps , which charted ‘ the tragedy of a man who could not make up his mind ’ , or Grigori Konzintsev 's Marxist version of 1964 .
11 Instead , she turned it on so low that at first Tug could not make out anything except a faint crackling and hissing .
12 But she could not make herself care .
13 She could not make out the patch of canary-coloured light on the opposite wall , could not make out why the sun was shining and why her brown-stained hand , on the sheet , would not move for cold .
14 She could not make out the patch of canary-coloured light on the opposite wall , could not make out why the sun was shining and why her brown-stained hand , on the sheet , would not move for cold .
15 The troubles of the spirit are not always translated into the grosser medium of the flesh , but if I could not make this transfer with Miller then there would be no point in making him ill in the first place .
16 I once left a message on a colleague 's answering machine saying that someone else could not make a meeting because she had resigned .
17 The English could not make that final spurt , establish dominance and impose their demands for the marriage .
18 The Great War and those more recent conflicts were put together and ‘ paid-for ’ on behalf of politicians who could not make up their minds or bring the problems to the debating-table ; who preferred the shouting and smearing , the innuendo and hate for their opponents ' parties , to the welfare and the good of their people .
19 ‘ The only one who could not make it was a nuclear physicist ! ’
20 ‘ They still could not make the dogs let go and so they got in their car and drove at the dogs with headlights flashing , ’ said a Scotland Yard spokesman .
21 In the distant past , when the genetic material was being accumulated that makes mankind what it is , nobody but a warlord lived in a dwelling he could not make himself .
22 But she could not make herself give up .
23 She tried to superimpose this place on Amelia Dorf 's house , but could not make the images jibe .
24 Endill could not make out what he was shouting but whatever it was it was not very friendly .
25 He could not make out its face but saw it was looking through the book he had just found with the complicated title .
26 The pittance that he allowed her to keep herself and his two children could not make much of a dent in Tawell 's more than robust bank account .
27 There seemed to be some other words at the bottom of the landscape , but O could not make these out .
28 She continued to attend the unit as an out-patient for more than six months , when the therapists felt they could not make any further progress .
29 Even if we wanted to , we could not make secondary school like primary school .
30 As hard as I tried , I could not make use of the staff , so I carried it , hobbling like a stage imbecile .
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