Example sentences of "some parts [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , they contain persuasive evidence to indicate that there was more for his people to do , and talk about , that there was more fun , than there is now in some parts of urban Scotland .
2 ‘ While some parts of the industry are likely to be very profitable , other parts will have concealed dangers , which could well carry with them the seeds of financial disaster . ’
3 Winter arrived in some parts of West Germany just 15 days after autumn officially began and some areas in the Black Forest and the Alps recorded freezing temperatures and snowfalls
4 However an increase is needed to take account of the growing number of elderly ( heavy users of the NHS ) and developments in health care technology , and increased spending has been more modest in some parts of the service , notably hospitals .
5 This has already begun in some parts of the country .
6 This has already begun in some parts of the country , including Wiltshire .
7 The ministry of labour suspects that about half of the unemployed have indeed been laid off , but other evidence suggests that at least in some parts of the country the proportion is much lower .
8 They pointed out that adders might be endangered in some parts of the country but they are thriving north of the border .
9 In some parts of the country it has been the practice to sell freehold land for building , and to take the price in the form of a perpetual rentcharge created by the purchaser ; this practice took the place of the more common building lease .
10 A sign told visiting gentlemen to remove their hats ; it was the kind of sign you 'd see in the Duomo in Florence ; in some parts of America , war still demands what passes for reverence .
11 But on some parts of the M25 we were more likely to be met by demonstrators protesting against the road itself .
12 When people objected that The Green Book was ‘ just words ’ — a strong condemnation in Huaiwiri — Salah said that of course some parts of it were not as good as others , but it was foolish to condemn everything in it just because some parts of it were wrong .
13 When people objected that The Green Book was ‘ just words ’ — a strong condemnation in Huaiwiri — Salah said that of course some parts of it were not as good as others , but it was foolish to condemn everything in it just because some parts of it were wrong .
14 In some parts of the world , Anna had discovered , this mystical form of intercourse was known as carezza .
15 I did n't understand some parts of your letter .
16 The Forest law still applied in some measure , however , to the purlieus , the outlying districts which had been put out of the forest during the fourteenth century — although in some parts of the country the authority of the Forest officers was disputed there .
17 THE depressed state of our own economy recently presented holidaymakers bound for Asia and Africa with an unexpected opportunity to practise shopping techniques common in some parts of the globe before they set off .
18 It is 25 miles to the nearest district general hospital from some parts of the county and ambulances can be delayed on narrow roads , crowded with holiday traffic .
19 The Act treats youth services as a continuum containing educational , recreational , advisory , supportive and therapeutic facilities by putting forward an open-ended catalogue of measures and initiatives which had become ‘ custom and practice ’ or indeed signs of good , innovatory practice in some parts of the country without having had legal backing .
20 Three varieties of the common Sweet Briar , R. eglanteria , found growing naturally in some parts of Kent , were listed as double , evergreen and double blush , and the Double Yellow is classed as a variety of the single , Rosa lutea .
21 In earlier editions of the Dictionary the Sweet Briar warranted comment on its scent and ‘ though a wild rose in some parts of England , yet is preserved in most curious gardens for the extreme sweetness of its leaves , which perfumes the circumambient Air in the Spring of the Year , especially after a shower of Rain . ’
22 ‘ Obviously the message has not got through to some parts of the organisation . ’
23 In southwestern Scandinavia it will be 80–90 per cent , while in some parts of Europe the deposition is four times as great , indicating a reduction above 90 per cent .
24 Some parts of the school can get very cold .
25 The chalet-style hotels blend in easily with the older buildings ; some parts of the village in fact , date back to the thirteenth-century .
26 A defeatist , appeasement-like attitude often was at the heart of federalist thinking found in some parts of the City of London but is repudiated by those such as Professor Tim Congdon in the Sunday Telegraph on 20 October 1991 — ‘ City 's Silly Euro-scare ’ .
27 The call for action has been put into practice in some parts of Latin America , especially in Central America .
28 Proletarianisation implies an increase in the number of wage labourers , which can be demonstrated by statistics , but figures also show that in some parts of Latin America , the numbers of the peasantry are increasing .
29 Although the results achieved by the Leeds adjournment system appeared to favour its widespread adoption , this has not happened , although adjournment has been pressed for in some parts of the country — for example , in South Wales — and has been regarded as useful in certain cases by many authorities .
30 ‘ I 've got the impression some parts of Heymouth were more badly hit than others .
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